# Consul::Token::Selector
A self-contained component to allow the user to 'select' their token a.k.a.
log in. The component is mostly a wrapper around a composition of `<AuthDialog
/>`, `<AuthForm />`, `<AuthProfile />` and `<ModalDialog />`. The majority of
the functionality is contained in those other components. This composition
mostly orchestrates the interactions between them i.e. wires them together.
As it uses `<AuthDialog />` (a componentized state machine), retrieving and saving
the token is all managed via that component (via `<DataSource />` and
`<DataSink />`, but this component provides the Consul specific DataSource
uri's to tell `AuthDialog` to save user tokens to a Consul namespaced user
settings area (Consul uses localStorage for saving user settings)
Please note:
- Currently at least, you must add this inside of a `<ul>` element.
- For the moment, make sure you have enabled ACLs using developer debug
```hbs preview-template
## Arguments
| Argument/Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `dc` | `object` | | The current datacenter |
| `nspace` | `string` | | The name of the current namespace |
| `partition` | `string` | | The name of the current partition |
| `onchange` | `function` | | An event handler, for when the user token change, either via logging in, logging out or re-logging in.
## See
- [Template Source Code](./index.hbs)
- [Component Source Code](./index.js)