
458 lines
13 KiB

package consul
import (
const (
// clientRPCMinReuseDuration controls the minimum amount of time RPC
// queries are sent over an established connection to a single server
clientRPCMinReuseDuration = 120 * time.Second
// clientRPCJitterFraction determines the amount of jitter added to
// clientRPCMinReuseDuration before a connection is expired and a new
// connection is established in order to rebalance load across consul
// servers. The cluster-wide number of connections per second from
// rebalancing is applied after this jitter to ensure the CPU impact
// is always finite. See newRebalanceConnsPerSecPerServer's comment
// for additional commentary.
// For example, in a 10K consul cluster with 5x servers, this default
// averages out to ~13 new connections from rebalancing per server
// per second (each connection is reused for 120s to 180s).
clientRPCJitterFraction = 2
// Limit the number of new connections a server receives per second
// for connection rebalancing. This limit caps the load caused by
// continual rebalancing efforts when a cluster is in equilibrium. A
// lower value comes at the cost of increased recovery time after a
// partition. This parameter begins to take effect when there are
// more than ~48K clients querying 5x servers or at lower server
// values when there is a partition.
// For example, in a 100K consul cluster with 5x servers, it will
// take ~5min for all servers to rebalance their connections. If
// 99,995 agents are in the minority talking to only one server, it
// will take ~26min for all servers to rebalance. A 10K cluster in
// the same scenario will take ~2.6min to rebalance.
newRebalanceConnsPerSecPerServer = 64
// clientRPCConnMaxIdle controls how long we keep an idle connection
// open to a server. 127s was chosen as the first prime above 120s
// (arbitrarily chose to use a prime) with the intent of reusing
// connections who are used by once-a-minute cron(8) jobs *and* who
// use a 60s jitter window (e.g. in vixie cron job execution can
// drift by up to 59s per job, or 119s for a once-a-minute cron job).
clientRPCConnMaxIdle = 127 * time.Second
// clientMaxStreams controls how many idle streams we keep
// open to a server
clientMaxStreams = 32
// Interface is used to provide either a Client or Server,
// both of which can be used to perform certain common
// Consul methods
type Interface interface {
RPC(method string, args interface{}, reply interface{}) error
LANMembers() []serf.Member
LocalMember() serf.Member
// Client is Consul client which uses RPC to communicate with the
// services for service discovery, health checking, and DC forwarding.
type Client struct {
config *Config
// Connection pool to consul servers
connPool *ConnPool
// consuls tracks the locally known servers
consuls []*serverParts
consulLock sync.RWMutex
// eventCh is used to receive events from the
// serf cluster in the datacenter
eventCh chan serf.Event
// lastServer is the last server we made an RPC call to,
// this is used to re-use the last connection
lastServer *serverParts
lastRPCTime time.Time
// connRebalanceTime is the time at which we should change the server
// we query for RPC requests.
connRebalanceTime time.Time
// Logger uses the provided LogOutput
logger *log.Logger
// serf is the Serf cluster maintained inside the DC
// which contains all the DC nodes
serf *serf.Serf
shutdown bool
shutdownCh chan struct{}
shutdownLock sync.Mutex
// NewClient is used to construct a new Consul client from the
// configuration, potentially returning an error
func NewClient(config *Config) (*Client, error) {
// Check the protocol version
if err := config.CheckVersion(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check for a data directory!
if config.DataDir == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Config must provide a DataDir")
// Sanity check the ACLs
if err := config.CheckACL(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Ensure we have a log output
if config.LogOutput == nil {
config.LogOutput = os.Stderr
// Create the tls Wrapper
tlsWrap, err := config.tlsConfig().OutgoingTLSWrapper()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create a logger
logger := log.New(config.LogOutput, "", log.LstdFlags)
// Create server
c := &Client{
config: config,
connPool: NewPool(config.LogOutput, clientRPCConnMaxIdle, clientMaxStreams, tlsWrap),
eventCh: make(chan serf.Event, 256),
logger: logger,
shutdownCh: make(chan struct{}),
// Start the Serf listeners to prevent a deadlock
go c.lanEventHandler()
// Initialize the lan Serf
c.serf, err = c.setupSerf(config.SerfLANConfig,
c.eventCh, serfLANSnapshot)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to start lan serf: %v", err)
return c, nil
// setupSerf is used to setup and initialize a Serf
func (c *Client) setupSerf(conf *serf.Config, ch chan serf.Event, path string) (*serf.Serf, error) {
conf.NodeName = c.config.NodeName
conf.Tags["role"] = "node"
conf.Tags["dc"] = c.config.Datacenter
conf.Tags["vsn"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", c.config.ProtocolVersion)
conf.Tags["vsn_min"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", ProtocolVersionMin)
conf.Tags["vsn_max"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", ProtocolVersionMax)
conf.Tags["build"] = c.config.Build
conf.MemberlistConfig.LogOutput = c.config.LogOutput
conf.LogOutput = c.config.LogOutput
conf.EventCh = ch
conf.SnapshotPath = filepath.Join(c.config.DataDir, path)
conf.ProtocolVersion = protocolVersionMap[c.config.ProtocolVersion]
conf.RejoinAfterLeave = c.config.RejoinAfterLeave
conf.Merge = &lanMergeDelegate{dc: c.config.Datacenter}
conf.DisableCoordinates = c.config.DisableCoordinates
if wanAddr := c.config.SerfWANConfig.MemberlistConfig.AdvertiseAddr; wanAddr != "" {
conf.Tags["WanAddr"] = wanAddr
if err := ensurePath(conf.SnapshotPath, false); err != nil {
return nil, err
return serf.Create(conf)
// Shutdown is used to shutdown the client
func (c *Client) Shutdown() error {
c.logger.Printf("[INFO] consul: shutting down client")
defer c.shutdownLock.Unlock()
if c.shutdown {
return nil
c.shutdown = true
if c.serf != nil {
// Close the connection pool
return nil
// Leave is used to prepare for a graceful shutdown
func (c *Client) Leave() error {
c.logger.Printf("[INFO] consul: client starting leave")
// Leave the LAN pool
if c.serf != nil {
if err := c.serf.Leave(); err != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[ERR] consul: Failed to leave LAN Serf cluster: %v", err)
return nil
// JoinLAN is used to have Consul client join the inner-DC pool
// The target address should be another node inside the DC
// listening on the Serf LAN address
func (c *Client) JoinLAN(addrs []string) (int, error) {
return c.serf.Join(addrs, true)
// LocalMember is used to return the local node
func (c *Client) LocalMember() serf.Member {
return c.serf.LocalMember()
// LANMembers is used to return the members of the LAN cluster
func (c *Client) LANMembers() []serf.Member {
return c.serf.Members()
// RemoveFailedNode is used to remove a failed node from the cluster
func (c *Client) RemoveFailedNode(node string) error {
return c.serf.RemoveFailedNode(node)
// KeyManagerLAN returns the LAN Serf keyring manager
func (c *Client) KeyManagerLAN() *serf.KeyManager {
return c.serf.KeyManager()
// Encrypted determines if gossip is encrypted
func (c *Client) Encrypted() bool {
return c.serf.EncryptionEnabled()
// lanEventHandler is used to handle events from the lan Serf cluster
func (c *Client) lanEventHandler() {
for {
select {
case e := <-c.eventCh:
switch e.EventType() {
case serf.EventMemberJoin:
case serf.EventMemberLeave, serf.EventMemberFailed:
case serf.EventUser:
case serf.EventMemberUpdate: // Ignore
case serf.EventMemberReap: // Ignore
case serf.EventQuery: // Ignore
c.logger.Printf("[WARN] consul: unhandled LAN Serf Event: %#v", e)
case <-c.shutdownCh:
// nodeJoin is used to handle join events on the serf cluster
func (c *Client) nodeJoin(me serf.MemberEvent) {
for _, m := range me.Members {
ok, parts := isConsulServer(m)
if !ok {
if parts.Datacenter != c.config.Datacenter {
c.logger.Printf("[WARN] consul: server %s for datacenter %s has joined wrong cluster",
m.Name, parts.Datacenter)
c.logger.Printf("[INFO] consul: adding server %s", parts)
// Check if this server is known
found := false
for idx, existing := range c.consuls {
if existing.Name == parts.Name {
c.consuls[idx] = parts
found = true
// Add to the list if not known
if !found {
c.consuls = append(c.consuls, parts)
// Trigger the callback
if c.config.ServerUp != nil {
// nodeFail is used to handle fail events on the serf cluster
func (c *Client) nodeFail(me serf.MemberEvent) {
for _, m := range me.Members {
ok, parts := isConsulServer(m)
if !ok {
c.logger.Printf("[INFO] consul: removing server %s", parts)
// Remove the server if known
n := len(c.consuls)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if c.consuls[i].Name == parts.Name {
c.consuls[i], c.consuls[n-1] = c.consuls[n-1], nil
c.consuls = c.consuls[:n-1]
// localEvent is called when we receive an event on the local Serf
func (c *Client) localEvent(event serf.UserEvent) {
// Handle only consul events
if !strings.HasPrefix(event.Name, "consul:") {
switch name := event.Name; {
case name == newLeaderEvent:
c.logger.Printf("[INFO] consul: New leader elected: %s", event.Payload)
// Trigger the callback
if c.config.ServerUp != nil {
case isUserEvent(name):
event.Name = rawUserEventName(name)
c.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] consul: user event: %s", event.Name)
// Trigger the callback
if c.config.UserEventHandler != nil {
c.logger.Printf("[WARN] consul: Unhandled local event: %v", event)
// RPC is used to forward an RPC call to a consul server, or fail if no servers
func (c *Client) RPC(method string, args interface{}, reply interface{}) error {
// Check to make sure we haven't spent too much time querying a
// single server
now := time.Now()
if !c.connRebalanceTime.IsZero() && now.After(c.connRebalanceTime) {
c.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] consul: connection time to server %s exceeded, rotating server connection", c.lastServer.Addr)
c.lastServer = nil
// Allocate these vars on the stack before the goto
var numConsulServers int
var clusterWideRebalanceConnsPerSec float64
var connReuseLowWaterMark time.Duration
var numLANMembers int
// Check the last RPC time, continue to reuse cached connection for
// up to clientRPCMinReuseDuration unless exceeded
// clientRPCConnMaxIdle
lastRPCTime := now.Sub(c.lastRPCTime)
var server *serverParts
if c.lastServer != nil && lastRPCTime < clientRPCConnMaxIdle {
server = c.lastServer
goto TRY_RPC
// Bail if we can't find any servers
numConsulServers = len(c.consuls)
if numConsulServers == 0 {
return structs.ErrNoServers
// Select a random addr
server = c.consuls[rand.Int31n(int32(numConsulServers))]
// Limit this connection's life based on the size (and health) of the
// cluster. Never rebalance a connection more frequently than
// connReuseLowWaterMark, and make sure we never exceed
// clusterWideRebalanceConnsPerSec operations/s across numLANMembers.
clusterWideRebalanceConnsPerSec = float64(numConsulServers * newRebalanceConnsPerSecPerServer)
connReuseLowWaterMark = clientRPCMinReuseDuration + lib.RandomStagger(clientRPCMinReuseDuration/clientRPCJitterFraction)
numLANMembers = len(c.LANMembers())
c.connRebalanceTime = now.Add(lib.RateScaledInterval(clusterWideRebalanceConnsPerSec, connReuseLowWaterMark, numLANMembers))
c.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] consul: connection to server %s will expire at %v", server.Addr, c.connRebalanceTime)
// Forward to remote Consul
if err := c.connPool.RPC(c.config.Datacenter, server.Addr, server.Version, method, args, reply); err != nil {
c.connRebalanceTime = time.Time{}
c.lastRPCTime = time.Time{}
c.lastServer = nil
return err
// Cache the last server
c.lastServer = server
c.lastRPCTime = now
return nil
// Stats is used to return statistics for debugging and insight
// for various sub-systems
func (c *Client) Stats() map[string]map[string]string {
toString := func(v uint64) string {
return strconv.FormatUint(v, 10)
stats := map[string]map[string]string{
"consul": map[string]string{
"server": "false",
"known_servers": toString(uint64(len(c.consuls))),
"serf_lan": c.serf.Stats(),
"runtime": runtimeStats(),
return stats
// GetCoordinate returns the network coordinate of the current node, as
// maintained by Serf.
func (c *Client) GetCoordinate() (*coordinate.Coordinate, error) {
return c.serf.GetCoordinate()