This experiment was brought about because of variable naming confusion where name and checkIDs were interchanged. Gave CheckID an Qualified Type Name and chased downstream changes.
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package state
import (
var (
// ErrMissingNode is the error returned when trying an operation
// which requires a node registration but none exists.
ErrMissingNode = errors.New("Missing node registration")
// ErrMissingService is the error we return if trying an
// operation which requires a service but none exists.
ErrMissingService = errors.New("Missing service registration")
// ErrMissingSessionID is returned when a session registration
// is attempted with an empty session ID.
ErrMissingSessionID = errors.New("Missing session ID")
// ErrMissingACLID is returned when an ACL set is called on
// an ACL with an empty ID.
ErrMissingACLID = errors.New("Missing ACL ID")
// ErrMissingQueryID is returned when a Query set is called on
// a Query with an empty ID.
ErrMissingQueryID = errors.New("Missing Query ID")
// StateStore is where we store all of Consul's state, including
// records of node registrations, services, checks, key/value
// pairs and more. The DB is entirely in-memory and is constructed
// from the Raft log through the FSM.
type StateStore struct {
schema *memdb.DBSchema
db *memdb.MemDB
// tableWatches holds all the full table watches, indexed by table name.
tableWatches map[string]*FullTableWatch
// kvsWatch holds the special prefix watch for the key value store.
kvsWatch *PrefixWatchManager
// kvsGraveyard manages tombstones for the key value store.
kvsGraveyard *Graveyard
// lockDelay holds expiration times for locks associated with keys.
lockDelay *Delay
// StateSnapshot is used to provide a point-in-time snapshot. It
// works by starting a read transaction against the whole state store.
type StateSnapshot struct {
store *StateStore
tx *memdb.Txn
lastIndex uint64
// StateRestore is used to efficiently manage restoring a large amount of
// data to a state store.
type StateRestore struct {
store *StateStore
tx *memdb.Txn
watches *DumbWatchManager
// IndexEntry keeps a record of the last index per-table.
type IndexEntry struct {
Key string
Value uint64
// sessionCheck is used to create a many-to-one table such that
// each check registered by a session can be mapped back to the
// session table. This is only used internally in the state
// store and thus it is not exported.
type sessionCheck struct {
Node string
CheckID string
Session string
// NewStateStore creates a new in-memory state storage layer.
func NewStateStore(gc *TombstoneGC) (*StateStore, error) {
// Create the in-memory DB.
schema := stateStoreSchema()
db, err := memdb.NewMemDB(schema)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed setting up state store: %s", err)
// Build up the all-table watches.
tableWatches := make(map[string]*FullTableWatch)
for table, _ := range schema.Tables {
if table == "kvs" || table == "tombstones" {
tableWatches[table] = NewFullTableWatch()
// Create and return the state store.
s := &StateStore{
schema: schema,
db: db,
tableWatches: tableWatches,
kvsWatch: NewPrefixWatchManager(),
kvsGraveyard: NewGraveyard(gc),
lockDelay: NewDelay(),
return s, nil
// Snapshot is used to create a point-in-time snapshot of the entire db.
func (s *StateStore) Snapshot() *StateSnapshot {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
var tables []string
for table, _ := range s.schema.Tables {
tables = append(tables, table)
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, tables...)
return &StateSnapshot{s, tx, idx}
// LastIndex returns that last index that affects the snapshotted data.
func (s *StateSnapshot) LastIndex() uint64 {
return s.lastIndex
// Close performs cleanup of a state snapshot.
func (s *StateSnapshot) Close() {
// Nodes is used to pull the full list of nodes for use during snapshots.
func (s *StateSnapshot) Nodes() (memdb.ResultIterator, error) {
iter, err := s.tx.Get("nodes", "id")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return iter, nil
// Services is used to pull the full list of services for a given node for use
// during snapshots.
func (s *StateSnapshot) Services(node string) (memdb.ResultIterator, error) {
iter, err := s.tx.Get("services", "node", node)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return iter, nil
// Checks is used to pull the full list of checks for a given node for use
// during snapshots.
func (s *StateSnapshot) Checks(node string) (memdb.ResultIterator, error) {
iter, err := s.tx.Get("checks", "node", node)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return iter, nil
// Sessions is used to pull the full list of sessions for use during snapshots.
func (s *StateSnapshot) Sessions() (memdb.ResultIterator, error) {
iter, err := s.tx.Get("sessions", "id")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return iter, nil
// ACLs is used to pull all the ACLs from the snapshot.
func (s *StateSnapshot) ACLs() (memdb.ResultIterator, error) {
iter, err := s.tx.Get("acls", "id")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return iter, nil
// Coordinates is used to pull all the coordinates from the snapshot.
func (s *StateSnapshot) Coordinates() (memdb.ResultIterator, error) {
iter, err := s.tx.Get("coordinates", "id")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return iter, nil
// Restore is used to efficiently manage restoring a large amount of data into
// the state store. It works by doing all the restores inside of a single
// transaction.
func (s *StateStore) Restore() *StateRestore {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
watches := NewDumbWatchManager(s.tableWatches)
return &StateRestore{s, tx, watches}
// Abort abandons the changes made by a restore. This or Commit should always be
// called.
func (s *StateRestore) Abort() {
// Commit commits the changes made by a restore. This or Abort should always be
// called.
func (s *StateRestore) Commit() {
// Fire off a single KVS watch instead of a zillion prefix ones, and use
// a dumb watch manager to single-fire all the full table watches.
s.tx.Defer(func() { s.store.kvsWatch.Notify("", true) })
s.tx.Defer(func() { s.watches.Notify() })
// Registration is used to make sure a node, service, and check registration is
// performed within a single transaction to avoid race conditions on state
// updates.
func (s *StateRestore) Registration(idx uint64, req *structs.RegisterRequest) error {
if err := s.store.ensureRegistrationTxn(s.tx, idx, s.watches, req); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Session is used when restoring from a snapshot. For general inserts, use
// SessionCreate.
func (s *StateRestore) Session(sess *structs.Session) error {
// Insert the session.
if err := s.tx.Insert("sessions", sess); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting session: %s", err)
// Insert the check mappings.
for _, checkID := range sess.Checks {
mapping := &sessionCheck{
Node: sess.Node,
CheckID: checkID,
Session: sess.ID,
if err := s.tx.Insert("session_checks", mapping); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting session check mapping: %s", err)
// Update the index.
if err := indexUpdateMaxTxn(s.tx, sess.ModifyIndex, "sessions"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
return nil
// ACL is used when restoring from a snapshot. For general inserts, use ACLSet.
func (s *StateRestore) ACL(acl *structs.ACL) error {
if err := s.tx.Insert("acls", acl); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed restoring acl: %s", err)
if err := indexUpdateMaxTxn(s.tx, acl.ModifyIndex, "acls"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
return nil
// Coordinates is used when restoring from a snapshot. For general inserts, use
// CoordinateBatchUpdate. We do less vetting of the updates here because they
// already got checked on the way in during a batch update.
func (s *StateRestore) Coordinates(idx uint64, updates structs.Coordinates) error {
for _, update := range updates {
if err := s.tx.Insert("coordinates", update); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed restoring coordinate: %s", err)
if err := indexUpdateMaxTxn(s.tx, idx, "coordinates"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
return nil
// maxIndex is a helper used to retrieve the highest known index
// amongst a set of tables in the db.
func (s *StateStore) maxIndex(tables ...string) uint64 {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
return maxIndexTxn(tx, tables...)
// maxIndexTxn is a helper used to retrieve the highest known index
// amongst a set of tables in the db.
func maxIndexTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, tables ...string) uint64 {
var lindex uint64
for _, table := range tables {
ti, err := tx.First("index", "id", table)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown index: %s err: %s", table, err))
if idx, ok := ti.(*IndexEntry); ok && idx.Value > lindex {
lindex = idx.Value
return lindex
// indexUpdateMaxTxn is used when restoring entries and sets the table's index to
// the given idx only if it's greater than the current index.
func indexUpdateMaxTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, table string) error {
ti, err := tx.First("index", "id", table)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve existing index: %s", err)
// Always take the first update, otherwise do the > check.
if ti == nil {
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{table, idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index %s", err)
} else if cur, ok := ti.(*IndexEntry); ok && idx > cur.Value {
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{table, idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index %s", err)
return nil
// getWatchTables returns the list of tables that should be watched and used for
// max index calculations for the given query method. This is used for all
// methods except for KVS. This will panic if the method is unknown.
func (s *StateStore) getWatchTables(method string) []string {
switch method {
case "GetNode", "Nodes":
return []string{"nodes"}
case "Services":
return []string{"services"}
case "ServiceNodes", "NodeServices":
return []string{"nodes", "services"}
case "NodeChecks", "ServiceChecks", "ChecksInState":
return []string{"checks"}
case "CheckServiceNodes", "NodeInfo", "NodeDump":
return []string{"nodes", "services", "checks"}
case "SessionGet", "SessionList", "NodeSessions":
return []string{"sessions"}
case "ACLGet", "ACLList":
return []string{"acls"}
case "Coordinates":
return []string{"coordinates"}
case "PreparedQueryGet", "PreparedQueryResolve", "PreparedQueryList":
return []string{"prepared-queries"}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown method %s", method))
// getTableWatch returns a full table watch for the given table. This will panic
// if the table doesn't have a full table watch.
func (s *StateStore) getTableWatch(table string) Watch {
if watch, ok := s.tableWatches[table]; ok {
return watch
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown watch for table %s", table))
// GetQueryWatch returns a watch for the given query method. This is
// used for all methods except for KV; you should call GetKVSWatch instead.
// This will panic if the method is unknown.
func (s *StateStore) GetQueryWatch(method string) Watch {
tables := s.getWatchTables(method)
if len(tables) == 1 {
return s.getTableWatch(tables[0])
var watches []Watch
for _, table := range tables {
watches = append(watches, s.getTableWatch(table))
return NewMultiWatch(watches...)
// GetKVSWatch returns a watch for the given prefix in the key value store.
func (s *StateStore) GetKVSWatch(prefix string) Watch {
return s.kvsWatch.NewPrefixWatch(prefix)
// EnsureRegistration is used to make sure a node, service, and check
// registration is performed within a single transaction to avoid race
// conditions on state updates.
func (s *StateStore) EnsureRegistration(idx uint64, req *structs.RegisterRequest) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
watches := NewDumbWatchManager(s.tableWatches)
if err := s.ensureRegistrationTxn(tx, idx, watches, req); err != nil {
return err
tx.Defer(func() { watches.Notify() })
return nil
// ensureRegistrationTxn is used to make sure a node, service, and check
// registration is performed within a single transaction to avoid race
// conditions on state updates.
func (s *StateStore) ensureRegistrationTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, watches *DumbWatchManager,
req *structs.RegisterRequest) error {
// Add the node.
node := &structs.Node{
Node: req.Node,
Address: req.Address,
TaggedAddresses: req.TaggedAddresses,
if err := s.ensureNodeTxn(tx, idx, watches, node); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting node: %s", err)
// Add the service, if any.
if req.Service != nil {
if err := s.ensureServiceTxn(tx, idx, watches, req.Node, req.Service); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting service: %s", err)
// Add the checks, if any.
if req.Check != nil {
if err := s.ensureCheckTxn(tx, idx, watches, req.Check); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting check: %s", err)
for _, check := range req.Checks {
if err := s.ensureCheckTxn(tx, idx, watches, check); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting check: %s", err)
return nil
// EnsureNode is used to upsert node registration or modification.
func (s *StateStore) EnsureNode(idx uint64, node *structs.Node) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// Call the node upsert
watches := NewDumbWatchManager(s.tableWatches)
if err := s.ensureNodeTxn(tx, idx, watches, node); err != nil {
return err
tx.Defer(func() { watches.Notify() })
return nil
// ensureNodeTxn is the inner function called to actually create a node
// registration or modify an existing one in the state store. It allows
// passing in a memdb transaction so it may be part of a larger txn.
func (s *StateStore) ensureNodeTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, watches *DumbWatchManager,
node *structs.Node) error {
// Check for an existing node
existing, err := tx.First("nodes", "id", node.Node)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("node lookup failed: %s", err)
// Get the indexes
if existing != nil {
node.CreateIndex = existing.(*structs.Node).CreateIndex
node.ModifyIndex = idx
} else {
node.CreateIndex = idx
node.ModifyIndex = idx
// Insert the node and update the index
if err := tx.Insert("nodes", node); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting node: %s", err)
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"nodes", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
return nil
// GetNode is used to retrieve a node registration by node ID.
func (s *StateStore) GetNode(id string) (uint64, *structs.Node, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("GetNode")...)
// Retrieve the node from the state store
node, err := tx.First("nodes", "id", id)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("node lookup failed: %s", err)
if node != nil {
return idx, node.(*structs.Node), nil
return idx, nil, nil
// Nodes is used to return all of the known nodes.
func (s *StateStore) Nodes() (uint64, structs.Nodes, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("Nodes")...)
// Retrieve all of the nodes
nodes, err := tx.Get("nodes", "id")
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed nodes lookup: %s", err)
// Create and return the nodes list.
var results structs.Nodes
for node := nodes.Next(); node != nil; node = nodes.Next() {
results = append(results, node.(*structs.Node))
return idx, results, nil
// DeleteNode is used to delete a given node by its ID.
func (s *StateStore) DeleteNode(idx uint64, nodeID string) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// Call the node deletion.
if err := s.deleteNodeTxn(tx, idx, nodeID); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// deleteNodeTxn is the inner method used for removing a node from
// the store within a given transaction.
func (s *StateStore) deleteNodeTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, nodeID string) error {
// Look up the node.
node, err := tx.First("nodes", "id", nodeID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("node lookup failed: %s", err)
if node == nil {
return nil
// Use a watch manager since the inner functions can perform multiple
// ops per table.
watches := NewDumbWatchManager(s.tableWatches)
// Delete all services associated with the node and update the service index.
services, err := tx.Get("services", "node", nodeID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed service lookup: %s", err)
var sids []string
for service := services.Next(); service != nil; service = services.Next() {
sids = append(sids, service.(*structs.ServiceNode).ServiceID)
// Do the delete in a separate loop so we don't trash the iterator.
for _, sid := range sids {
if err := s.deleteServiceTxn(tx, idx, watches, nodeID, sid); err != nil {
return err
// Delete all checks associated with the node. This will invalidate
// sessions as necessary.
checks, err := tx.Get("checks", "node", nodeID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed check lookup: %s", err)
var cids []structs.CheckID
for check := checks.Next(); check != nil; check = checks.Next() {
cids = append(cids, check.(*structs.HealthCheck).CheckID)
// Do the delete in a separate loop so we don't trash the iterator.
for _, cid := range cids {
if err := s.deleteCheckTxn(tx, idx, watches, nodeID, cid); err != nil {
return err
// Delete any coordinate associated with this node.
coord, err := tx.First("coordinates", "id", nodeID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed coordinate lookup: %s", err)
if coord != nil {
if err := tx.Delete("coordinates", coord); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed deleting coordinate: %s", err)
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"coordinates", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
// Delete the node and update the index.
if err := tx.Delete("nodes", node); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed deleting node: %s", err)
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"nodes", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
// Invalidate any sessions for this node.
sessions, err := tx.Get("sessions", "node", nodeID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed session lookup: %s", err)
var ids []string
for sess := sessions.Next(); sess != nil; sess = sessions.Next() {
ids = append(ids, sess.(*structs.Session).ID)
// Do the delete in a separate loop so we don't trash the iterator.
for _, id := range ids {
if err := s.deleteSessionTxn(tx, idx, watches, id); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed session delete: %s", err)
tx.Defer(func() { watches.Notify() })
return nil
// EnsureService is called to upsert creation of a given NodeService.
func (s *StateStore) EnsureService(idx uint64, node string, svc *structs.NodeService) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// Call the service registration upsert
watches := NewDumbWatchManager(s.tableWatches)
if err := s.ensureServiceTxn(tx, idx, watches, node, svc); err != nil {
return err
tx.Defer(func() { watches.Notify() })
return nil
// ensureServiceTxn is used to upsert a service registration within an
// existing memdb transaction.
func (s *StateStore) ensureServiceTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, watches *DumbWatchManager,
node string, svc *structs.NodeService) error {
// Check for existing service
existing, err := tx.First("services", "id", node, svc.ID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed service lookup: %s", err)
// Create the service node entry and populate the indexes. We leave the
// address blank and fill that in on the way out during queries.
entry := svc.ToServiceNode(node, "")
if existing != nil {
entry.CreateIndex = existing.(*structs.ServiceNode).CreateIndex
entry.ModifyIndex = idx
} else {
entry.CreateIndex = idx
entry.ModifyIndex = idx
// Get the node
n, err := tx.First("nodes", "id", node)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed node lookup: %s", err)
if n == nil {
return ErrMissingNode
// Insert the service and update the index
if err := tx.Insert("services", entry); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting service: %s", err)
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"services", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
return nil
// Services returns all services along with a list of associated tags.
func (s *StateStore) Services() (uint64, structs.Services, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("Services")...)
// List all the services.
services, err := tx.Get("services", "id")
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed querying services: %s", err)
// Rip through the services and enumerate them and their unique set of
// tags.
unique := make(map[string]map[string]struct{})
for service := services.Next(); service != nil; service = services.Next() {
svc := service.(*structs.ServiceNode)
tags, ok := unique[svc.ServiceName]
if !ok {
unique[svc.ServiceName] = make(map[string]struct{})
tags = unique[svc.ServiceName]
for _, tag := range svc.ServiceTags {
tags[tag] = struct{}{}
// Generate the output structure.
var results = make(structs.Services)
for service, tags := range unique {
results[service] = make([]string, 0)
for tag, _ := range tags {
results[service] = append(results[service], tag)
return idx, results, nil
// ServiceNodes returns the nodes associated with a given service name.
func (s *StateStore) ServiceNodes(serviceName string) (uint64, structs.ServiceNodes, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("ServiceNodes")...)
// List all the services.
services, err := tx.Get("services", "service", serviceName)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed service lookup: %s", err)
var results structs.ServiceNodes
for service := services.Next(); service != nil; service = services.Next() {
results = append(results, service.(*structs.ServiceNode))
// Fill in the address details.
results, err = s.parseServiceNodes(tx, results)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed parsing service nodes: %s", err)
return idx, results, nil
// ServiceTagNodes returns the nodes associated with a given service, filtering
// out services that don't contain the given tag.
func (s *StateStore) ServiceTagNodes(service, tag string) (uint64, structs.ServiceNodes, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("ServiceNodes")...)
// List all the services.
services, err := tx.Get("services", "service", service)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed service lookup: %s", err)
// Gather all the services and apply the tag filter.
var results structs.ServiceNodes
for service := services.Next(); service != nil; service = services.Next() {
svc := service.(*structs.ServiceNode)
if !serviceTagFilter(svc, tag) {
results = append(results, svc)
// Fill in the address details.
results, err = s.parseServiceNodes(tx, results)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed parsing service nodes: %s", err)
return idx, results, nil
// serviceTagFilter returns true (should filter) if the given service node
// doesn't contain the given tag.
func serviceTagFilter(sn *structs.ServiceNode, tag string) bool {
tag = strings.ToLower(tag)
// Look for the lower cased version of the tag.
for _, t := range sn.ServiceTags {
if strings.ToLower(t) == tag {
return false
// If we didn't hit the tag above then we should filter.
return true
// parseServiceNodes iterates over a services query and fills in the node details,
// returning a ServiceNodes slice.
func (s *StateStore) parseServiceNodes(tx *memdb.Txn, services structs.ServiceNodes) (structs.ServiceNodes, error) {
var results structs.ServiceNodes
for _, sn := range services {
// Note that we have to clone here because we don't want to
// modify the address field on the object in the database,
// which is what we are referencing.
s := sn.Clone()
// Fill in the address of the node.
n, err := tx.First("nodes", "id", sn.Node)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed node lookup: %s", err)
s.Address = n.(*structs.Node).Address
results = append(results, s)
return results, nil
// NodeServices is used to query service registrations by node ID.
func (s *StateStore) NodeServices(nodeID string) (uint64, *structs.NodeServices, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("NodeServices")...)
// Query the node
n, err := tx.First("nodes", "id", nodeID)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("node lookup failed: %s", err)
if n == nil {
return 0, nil, nil
node := n.(*structs.Node)
// Read all of the services
services, err := tx.Get("services", "node", nodeID)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed querying services for node %q: %s", nodeID, err)
// Initialize the node services struct
ns := &structs.NodeServices{
Node: node,
Services: make(map[string]*structs.NodeService),
// Add all of the services to the map.
for service := services.Next(); service != nil; service = services.Next() {
svc := service.(*structs.ServiceNode).ToNodeService()
ns.Services[svc.ID] = svc
return idx, ns, nil
// DeleteService is used to delete a given service associated with a node.
func (s *StateStore) DeleteService(idx uint64, nodeID, serviceID string) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// Call the service deletion
watches := NewDumbWatchManager(s.tableWatches)
if err := s.deleteServiceTxn(tx, idx, watches, nodeID, serviceID); err != nil {
return err
tx.Defer(func() { watches.Notify() })
return nil
// deleteServiceTxn is the inner method called to remove a service
// registration within an existing transaction.
func (s *StateStore) deleteServiceTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, watches *DumbWatchManager, nodeID, serviceID string) error {
// Look up the service.
service, err := tx.First("services", "id", nodeID, serviceID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed service lookup: %s", err)
if service == nil {
return nil
// Delete any checks associated with the service. This will invalidate
// sessions as necessary.
checks, err := tx.Get("checks", "node_service", nodeID, serviceID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed service check lookup: %s", err)
var cids []structs.CheckID
for check := checks.Next(); check != nil; check = checks.Next() {
cids = append(cids, check.(*structs.HealthCheck).CheckID)
// Do the delete in a separate loop so we don't trash the iterator.
for _, cid := range cids {
if err := s.deleteCheckTxn(tx, idx, watches, nodeID, cid); err != nil {
return err
// Update the index.
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"checks", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
// Delete the service and update the index
if err := tx.Delete("services", service); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed deleting service: %s", err)
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"services", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
return nil
// EnsureCheck is used to store a check registration in the db.
func (s *StateStore) EnsureCheck(idx uint64, hc *structs.HealthCheck) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// Call the check registration
watches := NewDumbWatchManager(s.tableWatches)
if err := s.ensureCheckTxn(tx, idx, watches, hc); err != nil {
return err
tx.Defer(func() { watches.Notify() })
return nil
// ensureCheckTransaction is used as the inner method to handle inserting
// a health check into the state store. It ensures safety against inserting
// checks with no matching node or service.
func (s *StateStore) ensureCheckTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, watches *DumbWatchManager,
hc *structs.HealthCheck) error {
// Check if we have an existing health check
existing, err := tx.First("checks", "id", hc.Node, hc.CheckID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed health check lookup: %s", err)
// Set the indexes
if existing != nil {
hc.CreateIndex = existing.(*structs.HealthCheck).CreateIndex
hc.ModifyIndex = idx
} else {
hc.CreateIndex = idx
hc.ModifyIndex = idx
// Use the default check status if none was provided
if hc.Status == "" {
hc.Status = structs.HealthCritical
// Get the node
node, err := tx.First("nodes", "id", hc.Node)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed node lookup: %s", err)
if node == nil {
return ErrMissingNode
// If the check is associated with a service, check that we have
// a registration for the service.
if hc.ServiceID != "" {
service, err := tx.First("services", "id", hc.Node, hc.ServiceID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed service lookup: %s", err)
if service == nil {
return ErrMissingService
// Copy in the service name
hc.ServiceName = service.(*structs.ServiceNode).ServiceName
// Delete any sessions for this check if the health is critical.
if hc.Status == structs.HealthCritical {
mappings, err := tx.Get("session_checks", "node_check", hc.Node, hc.CheckID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed session checks lookup: %s", err)
var ids []string
for mapping := mappings.Next(); mapping != nil; mapping = mappings.Next() {
ids = append(ids, mapping.(*sessionCheck).Session)
// Delete the session in a separate loop so we don't trash the
// iterator.
watches := NewDumbWatchManager(s.tableWatches)
for _, id := range ids {
if err := s.deleteSessionTxn(tx, idx, watches, id); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed deleting session: %s", err)
tx.Defer(func() { watches.Notify() })
// Persist the check registration in the db.
if err := tx.Insert("checks", hc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting check: %s", err)
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"checks", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
return nil
// NodeChecks is used to retrieve checks associated with the
// given node from the state store.
func (s *StateStore) NodeChecks(nodeID string) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("NodeChecks")...)
// Return the checks.
checks, err := tx.Get("checks", "node", nodeID)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed check lookup: %s", err)
return s.parseChecks(idx, checks)
// ServiceChecks is used to get all checks associated with a
// given service ID. The query is performed against a service
// _name_ instead of a service ID.
func (s *StateStore) ServiceChecks(serviceName string) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("ServiceChecks")...)
// Return the checks.
checks, err := tx.Get("checks", "service", serviceName)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed check lookup: %s", err)
return s.parseChecks(idx, checks)
// ChecksInState is used to query the state store for all checks
// which are in the provided state.
func (s *StateStore) ChecksInState(state string) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("ChecksInState")...)
// Query all checks if HealthAny is passed
if state == structs.HealthAny {
checks, err := tx.Get("checks", "status")
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed check lookup: %s", err)
return s.parseChecks(idx, checks)
// Any other state we need to query for explicitly
checks, err := tx.Get("checks", "status", state)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed check lookup: %s", err)
return s.parseChecks(idx, checks)
// parseChecks is a helper function used to deduplicate some
// repetitive code for returning health checks.
func (s *StateStore) parseChecks(idx uint64, iter memdb.ResultIterator) (uint64, structs.HealthChecks, error) {
// Gather the health checks and return them properly type casted.
var results structs.HealthChecks
for check := iter.Next(); check != nil; check = iter.Next() {
results = append(results, check.(*structs.HealthCheck))
return idx, results, nil
// DeleteCheck is used to delete a health check registration.
func (s *StateStore) DeleteCheck(idx uint64, node string, id structs.CheckID) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// Call the check deletion
watches := NewDumbWatchManager(s.tableWatches)
if err := s.deleteCheckTxn(tx, idx, watches, node, id); err != nil {
return err
tx.Defer(func() { watches.Notify() })
return nil
// deleteCheckTxn is the inner method used to call a health
// check deletion within an existing transaction.
func (s *StateStore) deleteCheckTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, watches *DumbWatchManager, node string, id structs.CheckID) error {
// Try to retrieve the existing health check.
hc, err := tx.First("checks", "id", node, id)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("check lookup failed: %s", err)
if hc == nil {
return nil
// Delete the check from the DB and update the index.
if err := tx.Delete("checks", hc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed removing check: %s", err)
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"checks", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
// Delete any sessions for this check.
mappings, err := tx.Get("session_checks", "node_check", node, id)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed session checks lookup: %s", err)
var ids []string
for mapping := mappings.Next(); mapping != nil; mapping = mappings.Next() {
ids = append(ids, mapping.(*sessionCheck).Session)
// Do the delete in a separate loop so we don't trash the iterator.
for _, id := range ids {
if err := s.deleteSessionTxn(tx, idx, watches, id); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed deleting session: %s", err)
return nil
// CheckServiceNodes is used to query all nodes and checks for a given service
// The results are compounded into a CheckServiceNodes, and the index returned
// is the maximum index observed over any node, check, or service in the result
// set.
func (s *StateStore) CheckServiceNodes(serviceName string) (uint64, structs.CheckServiceNodes, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("CheckServiceNodes")...)
// Query the state store for the service.
services, err := tx.Get("services", "service", serviceName)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed service lookup: %s", err)
// Return the results.
var results structs.ServiceNodes
for service := services.Next(); service != nil; service = services.Next() {
results = append(results, service.(*structs.ServiceNode))
return s.parseCheckServiceNodes(tx, idx, results, err)
// CheckServiceTagNodes is used to query all nodes and checks for a given
// service, filtering out services that don't contain the given tag. The results
// are compounded into a CheckServiceNodes, and the index returned is the maximum
// index observed over any node, check, or service in the result set.
func (s *StateStore) CheckServiceTagNodes(serviceName, tag string) (uint64, structs.CheckServiceNodes, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("CheckServiceNodes")...)
// Query the state store for the service.
services, err := tx.Get("services", "service", serviceName)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed service lookup: %s", err)
// Return the results, filtering by tag.
var results structs.ServiceNodes
for service := services.Next(); service != nil; service = services.Next() {
svc := service.(*structs.ServiceNode)
if !serviceTagFilter(svc, tag) {
results = append(results, svc)
return s.parseCheckServiceNodes(tx, idx, results, err)
// parseCheckServiceNodes is used to parse through a given set of services,
// and query for an associated node and a set of checks. This is the inner
// method used to return a rich set of results from a more simple query.
func (s *StateStore) parseCheckServiceNodes(
tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, services structs.ServiceNodes,
err error) (uint64, structs.CheckServiceNodes, error) {
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
var results structs.CheckServiceNodes
for _, sn := range services {
// Retrieve the node.
n, err := tx.First("nodes", "id", sn.Node)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed node lookup: %s", err)
if n == nil {
return 0, nil, ErrMissingNode
node := n.(*structs.Node)
// We need to return the checks specific to the given service
// as well as the node itself. Unfortunately, memdb won't let
// us use the index to do the latter query so we have to pull
// them all and filter.
var checks structs.HealthChecks
iter, err := tx.Get("checks", "node", sn.Node)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
for check := iter.Next(); check != nil; check = iter.Next() {
hc := check.(*structs.HealthCheck)
if hc.ServiceID == "" || hc.ServiceID == sn.ServiceID {
checks = append(checks, hc)
// Append to the results.
results = append(results, structs.CheckServiceNode{
Node: node,
Service: sn.ToNodeService(),
Checks: checks,
return idx, results, nil
// NodeInfo is used to generate a dump of a single node. The dump includes
// all services and checks which are registered against the node.
func (s *StateStore) NodeInfo(node string) (uint64, structs.NodeDump, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("NodeInfo")...)
// Query the node by the passed node
nodes, err := tx.Get("nodes", "id", node)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed node lookup: %s", err)
return s.parseNodes(tx, idx, nodes)
// NodeDump is used to generate a dump of all nodes. This call is expensive
// as it has to query every node, service, and check. The response can also
// be quite large since there is currently no filtering applied.
func (s *StateStore) NodeDump() (uint64, structs.NodeDump, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("NodeDump")...)
// Fetch all of the registered nodes
nodes, err := tx.Get("nodes", "id")
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed node lookup: %s", err)
return s.parseNodes(tx, idx, nodes)
// parseNodes takes an iterator over a set of nodes and returns a struct
// containing the nodes along with all of their associated services
// and/or health checks.
func (s *StateStore) parseNodes(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64,
iter memdb.ResultIterator) (uint64, structs.NodeDump, error) {
var results structs.NodeDump
for n := iter.Next(); n != nil; n = iter.Next() {
node := n.(*structs.Node)
// Create the wrapped node
dump := &structs.NodeInfo{
Node: node.Node,
Address: node.Address,
TaggedAddresses: node.TaggedAddresses,
// Query the node services
services, err := tx.Get("services", "node", node.Node)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed services lookup: %s", err)
for service := services.Next(); service != nil; service = services.Next() {
ns := service.(*structs.ServiceNode).ToNodeService()
dump.Services = append(dump.Services, ns)
// Query the node checks
checks, err := tx.Get("checks", "node", node.Node)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed node lookup: %s", err)
for check := checks.Next(); check != nil; check = checks.Next() {
hc := check.(*structs.HealthCheck)
dump.Checks = append(dump.Checks, hc)
// Add the result to the slice
results = append(results, dump)
return idx, results, nil
// SessionCreate is used to register a new session in the state store.
func (s *StateStore) SessionCreate(idx uint64, sess *structs.Session) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// This code is technically able to (incorrectly) update an existing
// session but we never do that in practice. The upstream endpoint code
// always adds a unique ID when doing a create operation so we never hit
// an existing session again. It isn't worth the overhead to verify
// that here, but it's worth noting that we should never do this in the
// future.
// Call the session creation
if err := s.sessionCreateTxn(tx, idx, sess); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// sessionCreateTxn is the inner method used for creating session entries in
// an open transaction. Any health checks registered with the session will be
// checked for failing status. Returns any error encountered.
func (s *StateStore) sessionCreateTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, sess *structs.Session) error {
// Check that we have a session ID
if sess.ID == "" {
return ErrMissingSessionID
// Verify the session behavior is valid
switch sess.Behavior {
case "":
// Release by default to preserve backwards compatibility
sess.Behavior = structs.SessionKeysRelease
case structs.SessionKeysRelease:
case structs.SessionKeysDelete:
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid session behavior: %s", sess.Behavior)
// Assign the indexes. ModifyIndex likely will not be used but
// we set it here anyways for sanity.
sess.CreateIndex = idx
sess.ModifyIndex = idx
// Check that the node exists
node, err := tx.First("nodes", "id", sess.Node)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed node lookup: %s", err)
if node == nil {
return ErrMissingNode
// Go over the session checks and ensure they exist.
for _, checkID := range sess.Checks {
check, err := tx.First("checks", "id", sess.Node, checkID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed check lookup: %s", err)
if check == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Missing check '%s' registration", checkID)
// Check that the check is not in critical state
status := check.(*structs.HealthCheck).Status
if status == structs.HealthCritical {
return fmt.Errorf("Check '%s' is in %s state", checkID, status)
// Insert the session
if err := tx.Insert("sessions", sess); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting session: %s", err)
// Insert the check mappings
for _, checkID := range sess.Checks {
mapping := &sessionCheck{
Node: sess.Node,
CheckID: checkID,
Session: sess.ID,
if err := tx.Insert("session_checks", mapping); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting session check mapping: %s", err)
// Update the index
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"sessions", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
tx.Defer(func() { s.tableWatches["sessions"].Notify() })
return nil
// SessionGet is used to retrieve an active session from the state store.
func (s *StateStore) SessionGet(sessionID string) (uint64, *structs.Session, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("SessionGet")...)
// Look up the session by its ID
session, err := tx.First("sessions", "id", sessionID)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed session lookup: %s", err)
if session != nil {
return idx, session.(*structs.Session), nil
return idx, nil, nil
// SessionList returns a slice containing all of the active sessions.
func (s *StateStore) SessionList() (uint64, structs.Sessions, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("SessionList")...)
// Query all of the active sessions.
sessions, err := tx.Get("sessions", "id")
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed session lookup: %s", err)
// Go over the sessions and create a slice of them.
var result structs.Sessions
for session := sessions.Next(); session != nil; session = sessions.Next() {
result = append(result, session.(*structs.Session))
return idx, result, nil
// NodeSessions returns a set of active sessions associated
// with the given node ID. The returned index is the highest
// index seen from the result set.
func (s *StateStore) NodeSessions(nodeID string) (uint64, structs.Sessions, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("NodeSessions")...)
// Get all of the sessions which belong to the node
sessions, err := tx.Get("sessions", "node", nodeID)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed session lookup: %s", err)
// Go over all of the sessions and return them as a slice
var result structs.Sessions
for session := sessions.Next(); session != nil; session = sessions.Next() {
result = append(result, session.(*structs.Session))
return idx, result, nil
// SessionDestroy is used to remove an active session. This will
// implicitly invalidate the session and invoke the specified
// session destroy behavior.
func (s *StateStore) SessionDestroy(idx uint64, sessionID string) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// Call the session deletion.
watches := NewDumbWatchManager(s.tableWatches)
if err := s.deleteSessionTxn(tx, idx, watches, sessionID); err != nil {
return err
tx.Defer(func() { watches.Notify() })
return nil
// deleteSessionTxn is the inner method, which is used to do the actual
// session deletion and handle session invalidation, watch triggers, etc.
func (s *StateStore) deleteSessionTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, watches *DumbWatchManager, sessionID string) error {
// Look up the session.
sess, err := tx.First("sessions", "id", sessionID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed session lookup: %s", err)
if sess == nil {
return nil
// Delete the session and write the new index.
if err := tx.Delete("sessions", sess); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed deleting session: %s", err)
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"sessions", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
// Enforce the max lock delay.
session := sess.(*structs.Session)
delay := session.LockDelay
if delay > structs.MaxLockDelay {
delay = structs.MaxLockDelay
// Snag the current now time so that all the expirations get calculated
// the same way.
now := time.Now()
// Get an iterator over all of the keys with the given session.
entries, err := tx.Get("kvs", "session", sessionID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed kvs lookup: %s", err)
var kvs []interface{}
for entry := entries.Next(); entry != nil; entry = entries.Next() {
kvs = append(kvs, entry)
// Invalidate any held locks.
switch session.Behavior {
case structs.SessionKeysRelease:
for _, obj := range kvs {
// Note that we clone here since we are modifying the
// returned object and want to make sure our set op
// respects the transaction we are in.
e := obj.(*structs.DirEntry).Clone()
e.Session = ""
if err := s.kvsSetTxn(tx, idx, e, true); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed kvs update: %s", err)
// Apply the lock delay if present.
if delay > 0 {
s.lockDelay.SetExpiration(e.Key, now, delay)
case structs.SessionKeysDelete:
for _, obj := range kvs {
e := obj.(*structs.DirEntry)
if err := s.kvsDeleteTxn(tx, idx, e.Key); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed kvs delete: %s", err)
// Apply the lock delay if present.
if delay > 0 {
s.lockDelay.SetExpiration(e.Key, now, delay)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown session behavior %#v", session.Behavior)
// Delete any check mappings.
mappings, err := tx.Get("session_checks", "session", sessionID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed session checks lookup: %s", err)
var objs []interface{}
for mapping := mappings.Next(); mapping != nil; mapping = mappings.Next() {
objs = append(objs, mapping)
// Do the delete in a separate loop so we don't trash the iterator.
for _, obj := range objs {
if err := tx.Delete("session_checks", obj); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed deleting session check: %s", err)
// Delete any prepared queries.
queries, err := tx.Get("prepared-queries", "session", sessionID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed prepared query lookup: %s", err)
var ids []string
for wrapped := queries.Next(); wrapped != nil; wrapped = queries.Next() {
ids = append(ids, toPreparedQuery(wrapped).ID)
// Do the delete in a separate loop so we don't trash the iterator.
for _, id := range ids {
if err := s.preparedQueryDeleteTxn(tx, idx, watches, id); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed prepared query delete: %s", err)
return nil
// ACLSet is used to insert an ACL rule into the state store.
func (s *StateStore) ACLSet(idx uint64, acl *structs.ACL) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// Call set on the ACL
if err := s.aclSetTxn(tx, idx, acl); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// aclSetTxn is the inner method used to insert an ACL rule with the
// proper indexes into the state store.
func (s *StateStore) aclSetTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, acl *structs.ACL) error {
// Check that the ID is set
if acl.ID == "" {
return ErrMissingACLID
// Check for an existing ACL
existing, err := tx.First("acls", "id", acl.ID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed acl lookup: %s", err)
// Set the indexes
if existing != nil {
acl.CreateIndex = existing.(*structs.ACL).CreateIndex
acl.ModifyIndex = idx
} else {
acl.CreateIndex = idx
acl.ModifyIndex = idx
// Insert the ACL
if err := tx.Insert("acls", acl); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting acl: %s", err)
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"acls", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
tx.Defer(func() { s.tableWatches["acls"].Notify() })
return nil
// ACLGet is used to look up an existing ACL by ID.
func (s *StateStore) ACLGet(aclID string) (uint64, *structs.ACL, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("ACLGet")...)
// Query for the existing ACL
acl, err := tx.First("acls", "id", aclID)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed acl lookup: %s", err)
if acl != nil {
return idx, acl.(*structs.ACL), nil
return idx, nil, nil
// ACLList is used to list out all of the ACLs in the state store.
func (s *StateStore) ACLList() (uint64, structs.ACLs, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("ACLList")...)
// Return the ACLs.
acls, err := s.aclListTxn(tx)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed acl lookup: %s", err)
return idx, acls, nil
// aclListTxn is used to list out all of the ACLs in the state store. This is a
// function vs. a method so it can be called from the snapshotter.
func (s *StateStore) aclListTxn(tx *memdb.Txn) (structs.ACLs, error) {
// Query all of the ACLs in the state store
acls, err := tx.Get("acls", "id")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed acl lookup: %s", err)
// Go over all of the ACLs and build the response
var result structs.ACLs
for acl := acls.Next(); acl != nil; acl = acls.Next() {
a := acl.(*structs.ACL)
result = append(result, a)
return result, nil
// ACLDelete is used to remove an existing ACL from the state store. If
// the ACL does not exist this is a no-op and no error is returned.
func (s *StateStore) ACLDelete(idx uint64, aclID string) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// Call the ACL delete
if err := s.aclDeleteTxn(tx, idx, aclID); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// aclDeleteTxn is used to delete an ACL from the state store within
// an existing transaction.
func (s *StateStore) aclDeleteTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, aclID string) error {
// Look up the existing ACL
acl, err := tx.First("acls", "id", aclID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed acl lookup: %s", err)
if acl == nil {
return nil
// Delete the ACL from the state store and update indexes
if err := tx.Delete("acls", acl); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed deleting acl: %s", err)
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"acls", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
tx.Defer(func() { s.tableWatches["acls"].Notify() })
return nil
// CoordinateGetRaw queries for the coordinate of the given node. This is an
// unusual state store method because it just returns the raw coordinate or
// nil, none of the Raft or node information is returned. This hits the 90%
// internal-to-Consul use case for this data, and this isn't exposed via an
// endpoint, so it doesn't matter that the Raft info isn't available.
func (s *StateStore) CoordinateGetRaw(node string) (*coordinate.Coordinate, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Pull the full coordinate entry.
coord, err := tx.First("coordinates", "id", node)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed coordinate lookup: %s", err)
// Pick out just the raw coordinate.
if coord != nil {
return coord.(*structs.Coordinate).Coord, nil
return nil, nil
// Coordinates queries for all nodes with coordinates.
func (s *StateStore) Coordinates() (uint64, structs.Coordinates, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, s.getWatchTables("Coordinates")...)
// Pull all the coordinates.
coords, err := tx.Get("coordinates", "id")
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed coordinate lookup: %s", err)
var results structs.Coordinates
for coord := coords.Next(); coord != nil; coord = coords.Next() {
results = append(results, coord.(*structs.Coordinate))
return idx, results, nil
// CoordinateBatchUpdate processes a batch of coordinate updates and applies
// them in a single transaction.
func (s *StateStore) CoordinateBatchUpdate(idx uint64, updates structs.Coordinates) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// Upsert the coordinates.
for _, update := range updates {
// Since the cleanup of coordinates is tied to deletion of
// nodes, we silently drop any updates for nodes that we don't
// know about. This might be possible during normal operation
// if we happen to get a coordinate update for a node that
// hasn't been able to add itself to the catalog yet. Since we
// don't carefully sequence this, and since it will fix itself
// on the next coordinate update from that node, we don't return
// an error or log anything.
node, err := tx.First("nodes", "id", update.Node)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed node lookup: %s", err)
if node == nil {
if err := tx.Insert("coordinates", update); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting coordinate: %s", err)
// Update the index.
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"coordinates", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
tx.Defer(func() { s.tableWatches["coordinates"].Notify() })
return nil