
367 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package autopilotevents
import (
autopilot ""
const (
EventTopicReadyServers stream.StringTopic = "ready-servers"
// ReadyServerInfo includes information about a server that is ready
// to handle incoming requests.
type ReadyServerInfo struct {
ID string
Address string
TaggedAddresses map[string]string
ExtGRPCPort int
Version string
func (info *ReadyServerInfo) Equal(other *ReadyServerInfo) bool {
if info.ID != other.ID {
return false
if info.Version != other.Version {
return false
if info.Address != other.Address {
return false
if len(info.TaggedAddresses) != len(other.TaggedAddresses) {
return false
for tag, infoAddr := range info.TaggedAddresses {
if otherAddr, ok := other.TaggedAddresses[tag]; !ok || infoAddr != otherAddr {
return false
return true
// EventPayloadReadyServers
type EventPayloadReadyServers []ReadyServerInfo
func (e EventPayloadReadyServers) Subject() stream.Subject { return stream.SubjectNone }
func (e EventPayloadReadyServers) HasReadPermission(authz acl.Authorizer) bool {
// Any service in the mesh will need access to where the servers live. Therefore
// we check if the authorizer grants permissions on any service and if so then
// we allow seeing where the servers are.
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
return authz.ServiceWriteAny(&authzContext) == acl.Allow
func (e EventPayloadReadyServers) ToSubscriptionEvent(idx uint64) *pbsubscribe.Event {
// TODO(peering) is this right?
// TODO(agentless) is this right?
panic("EventPayloadReadyServers does not implement ToSubscriptionEvent")
func ExtractEventPayload(event stream.Event) (EventPayloadReadyServers, error) {
if event.Topic != EventTopicReadyServers {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected topic (%q) for a %q event", event.Topic, EventTopicReadyServers)
if payload, ok := event.Payload.(EventPayloadReadyServers); ok {
return payload, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected payload type %T for %q event", event.Payload, EventTopicReadyServers)
type Config struct {
GetStore func() StateStore
Publisher Publisher
timeProvider timeProvider
// ReadyServersEventPublisher is capable to tracking changes to ready servers
// between consecutive calls to PublishReadyServersEvents. It will then publish
// "ready-servers" events as necessary.
type ReadyServersEventPublisher struct {
previous EventPayloadReadyServers
snapshotLock sync.RWMutex
snapshot []stream.Event
func NewReadyServersEventPublisher(config Config) *ReadyServersEventPublisher {
return &ReadyServersEventPublisher{
Config: config,
snapshot: []stream.Event{
Topic: EventTopicReadyServers,
Index: 0,
Payload: EventPayloadReadyServers{},
//go:generate mockery --name StateStore --inpackage --filename mock_StateStore_test.go
type StateStore interface {
GetNodeID(types.NodeID, *acl.EnterpriseMeta, string) (uint64, *structs.Node, error)
NodeService(ws memdb.WatchSet, nodeName string, serviceID string, entMeta *acl.EnterpriseMeta, peerName string) (uint64, *structs.NodeService, error)
//go:generate mockery --name Publisher --inpackage --filename mock_Publisher_test.go
type Publisher interface {
//go:generate mockery --name timeProvider --inpackage --filename mock_timeProvider_test.go
type timeProvider interface {
Now() time.Time
// PublishReadyServersEvents will publish a "ready-servers" event if the list of
// ready servers has changed since the last time events were published.
func (r *ReadyServersEventPublisher) PublishReadyServersEvents(state *autopilot.State) {
if events, ok := r.readyServersEvents(state); ok {
// update the latest snapshot so that any new event subscription will see
// use the latest state.
r.snapshot = events
// if the event publisher were to not be able to keep up with procesing events
// then its possible this blocks. It could cause autopilot to not update its
// state as often as it should. However if this blocks for over 10s then
// not updating the autopilot state as quickly is likely the least of our
// concerns. If we need to make this async then we probably need to single
// flight these to ensure proper event ordering.
func (r *ReadyServersEventPublisher) readyServersEvents(state *autopilot.State) ([]stream.Event, bool) {
// First, we need to pull all the ready servers out from the autopilot state.
servers := r.autopilotStateToReadyServers(state)
// Next we, sort the servers list to make comparison easier later on. We do
// this outside of the next length check conditional block to ensure that all
// values of previousReadyServers we store will be sorted and the future
// comparison's will remain valid.
sort.Slice(servers, func(i, j int) bool {
// no two servers can have the same id so this is sufficient
return servers[i].ID < servers[j].ID
// If the number of ready servers hasn't changed then we need to inspect individual
// servers to see if there are differences. If the number of servers has changed
// we know that an event should be generated and sent.
if len(r.previous) == len(servers) {
diff := false
// We are relying on the fact that both of the slices will be sorted and that
// we don't care what the actual differences are but instead just that they
// have differences.
for i := 0; i < len(servers); i++ {
if !r.previous[i].Equal(&servers[i]) {
diff = true
// The list of ready servers is identical to the previous ones. Therefore
// we will not send any event.
if !diff {
return nil, false
r.previous = servers
return []stream.Event{r.newReadyServersEvent(servers)}, true
// IsServerReady determines whether the given server (from the autopilot state)
// is "ready" - by which we mean that they would be an acceptable target for
// stale queries.
func IsServerReady(srv *autopilot.ServerState) bool {
// All healthy servers are caught up enough to be considered ready.
// Servers with voting rights that are still healthy according to Serf are
// also included as they have likely just fallen behind the leader a little
// after initially replicating state. They are still acceptable targets
// for most stale queries and clients can bound the staleness if necessary.
// Including them is a means to prevent flapping the list of servers we
// advertise as ready and flooding the network with notifications to all
// dataplanes of server updates.
// TODO (agentless) for a non-voting server that is still alive but fell
// behind, should we cause it to be removed. For voters we know they were caught
// up at some point but for non-voters we cannot know the same thing.
return srv.Health.Healthy || (srv.HasVotingRights() && srv.Server.NodeStatus == autopilot.NodeAlive)
// autopilotStateToReadyServers will iterate through all servers in the autopilot
// state and compile a list of servers which are "ready". Readiness means that
// they would be an acceptable target for stale queries.
func (r *ReadyServersEventPublisher) autopilotStateToReadyServers(state *autopilot.State) EventPayloadReadyServers {
var servers EventPayloadReadyServers
for _, srv := range state.Servers {
if IsServerReady(srv) {
// autopilot information contains addresses in the <host>:<port> form. We only care about the
// the host so we parse it out here and discard the port.
host, err := extractHost(string(srv.Server.Address))
if err != nil || host == "" {
servers = append(servers, ReadyServerInfo{
ID: string(srv.Server.ID),
Address: host,
Version: srv.Server.Version,
TaggedAddresses: r.getTaggedAddresses(srv),
ExtGRPCPort: r.getGRPCPort(srv),
return servers
// getTaggedAddresses will get the tagged addresses for the given server or return nil
// if it encounters an error or unregistered server.
func (r *ReadyServersEventPublisher) getTaggedAddresses(srv *autopilot.ServerState) map[string]string {
// we have no callback to lookup the tagged addresses so we can return early
if r.GetStore == nil {
return nil
// Assuming we have been provided a callback to get a state store implementation, then
// we will attempt to lookup the node for the autopilot server. We use this to get the
// tagged addresses so that consumers of these events will be able to distinguish LAN
// vs WAN addresses as well as IP protocol differentiation. At first I thought we may
// need to hook into catalog events so that if the tagged addresses change then
// we can synthesize new events. That would be pretty complex so this code does not
// deal with that. The reasoning why that is probably okay is that autopilot will
// send us the state at least once every 30s. That means that we will grab the nodes
// from the catalog at that often and publish the events. So while its not quite
// as responsive as actually watching for the Catalog changes, its MUCH simpler to
// code and reason about and having those addresses be updated within 30s is good enough.
_, node, err := r.GetStore().GetNodeID(types.NodeID(srv.Server.ID), structs.NodeEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition(), structs.DefaultPeerKeyword)
if err != nil || node == nil {
// no catalog information means we should return a nil address map
return nil
if len(node.TaggedAddresses) == 0 {
return nil
addrs := make(map[string]string)
for tag, address := range node.TaggedAddresses {
// just like for the Nodes main Address, we only care about the IPs and not the
// port so we parse the host out and discard the port.
host, err := extractHost(address)
if err != nil || host == "" {
addrs[tag] = host
return addrs
// getGRPCPort will get the external gRPC port for a Consul server.
// Returns 0 if there is none assigned or if an error is encountered.
func (r *ReadyServersEventPublisher) getGRPCPort(srv *autopilot.ServerState) int {
if r.GetStore == nil {
return 0
_, n, err := r.GetStore().GetNodeID(types.NodeID(srv.Server.ID), structs.NodeEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition(), structs.DefaultPeerKeyword)
if err != nil || n == nil {
return 0
_, ns, err := r.GetStore().NodeService(
if err != nil || ns == nil || ns.Meta == nil {
return 0
if str, ok := ns.Meta["grpc_tls_port"]; ok {
grpcPort, err := strconv.Atoi(str)
if err == nil {
return grpcPort
if str, ok := ns.Meta["grpc_port"]; ok {
grpcPort, err := strconv.Atoi(str)
if err == nil {
return grpcPort
return 0
// newReadyServersEvent will create a stream.Event with the provided ready server info.
func (r *ReadyServersEventPublisher) newReadyServersEvent(servers EventPayloadReadyServers) stream.Event {
now := time.Now()
if r.timeProvider != nil {
now = r.timeProvider.Now()
return stream.Event{
Topic: EventTopicReadyServers,
Index: uint64(now.UnixMicro()),
Payload: servers,
// HandleSnapshot is the EventPublisher callback to generate a snapshot for the "ready-servers" event streams.
func (r *ReadyServersEventPublisher) HandleSnapshot(_ stream.SubscribeRequest, buf stream.SnapshotAppender) (uint64, error) {
defer r.snapshotLock.RUnlock()
return r.snapshot[0].Index, nil
// extractHost is a small convenience function to catch errors regarding
// missing ports from the net.SplitHostPort function.
func extractHost(addr string) (string, error) {
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
if err == nil {
return host, nil
if ae, ok := err.(*net.AddrError); ok && ae.Err == "missing port in address" {
return addr, nil
return "", err