#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 readonly SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})" readonly SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" readonly SOURCE_DIR="$(dirname "$(dirname "${SCRIPT_DIR}")")" readonly FN_DIR="$(dirname "${SCRIPT_DIR}")/functions" source "${SCRIPT_DIR}/functions.sh" unset CDPATH set -euo pipefail usage() { cat <<-EOF Usage: ${SCRIPT_NAME} [] Description: Regenerates regenerates all Go files from protobuf definitions. In addition to running the protoc generator it will also fixup build tags in the generated code and regenerate mog outputs and RPC stubs. Options: -h | --help Print this help text. EOF } function err_usage { err "$1" err "" err "$(usage)" } function main { while test $# -gt 0 do case "$1" in -h | --help ) usage return 0 ;; esac done # clear old ratelimit.tmp files find . -name .ratelimit.tmp -delete local mods=$(find . -name 'buf.gen.yaml' -exec dirname {} \; | sort) for mod in $mods do status_stage "Generating protobuf module: $mod" ( cd $mod buf generate for proto_file in $(buf ls-files) do postprocess_protobuf_code $proto_file done ) done status "Generated all protobuf Go files" generate_mog_code status "Generated all mog Go files" generate_rate_limit_mappings $mods status "Generated gRPC rate limit mapping file" return 0 } function postprocess_protobuf_code { local proto_path="${1:-}" if [[ -z "${proto_path}" ]]; then err "missing protobuf path argument" return 1 fi local proto_go_path="${proto_path%%.proto}.pb.go" local proto_go_grpc_path="${proto_path%%.proto}_grpc.pb.go" local proto_go_bin_path="${proto_path%%.proto}.pb.binary.go" local proto_go_rpcglue_path="${proto_path%%.proto}.rpcglue.pb.go" status_stage "Post-Processing generated files for ${proto_path}" print_run protoc-go-inject-tag -input="${proto_go_path}" || { err "Failed to run protoc-go-inject-tag for ${proto_path}" return 1 } local build_tags build_tags="$(head -n 2 "${proto_path}" | grep '^//go:build\|// +build' || true)" if test -n "${build_tags}"; then for file in "${proto_go_path}" "${proto_go_bin_path}" "${proto_go_grpc_path}" do if test -f "${file}" -a "$(head -n 2 ${file})" != "${build_tags}" then echo "Adding build tags to ${file}" echo -e "${build_tags}\n" >> "${file}.new" cat "${file}" >> "${file}.new" mv "${file}.new" "${file}" fi done fi # NOTE: this has to run after we fix up the build tags above rm -f "${proto_go_rpcglue_path}" print_run go run ${SOURCE_DIR}/internal/tools/proto-gen-rpc-glue/main.go -path "${proto_go_path}" || { err "Failed to generate consul rpc glue outputs from ${proto_path}" return 1 } return 0 } function generate_mog_code { local mog_order mog_order="$(go list -tags "${GOTAGS}" -deps ./proto/private/pb... | grep "consul/proto/private")" for FULL_PKG in ${mog_order}; do PKG="${FULL_PKG/#github.com\/hashicorp\/consul\/}" status_stage "Generating ${PKG}/*.pb.go into ${PKG}/*.gen.go with mog" find "$PKG" -name '*.gen.go' -delete if [[ -n "${GOTAGS}" ]]; then print_run mog -tags "${GOTAGS}" -source "./${PKG}/*.pb.go" else print_run mog -source "./${PKG}/*.pb.go" fi done return 0 } function generate_rate_limit_mappings { local flags=( "-output ${SOURCE_DIR}/agent/grpc-middleware/rate_limit_mappings.gen.go" ) for path in $@; do flags+=("-input $path") done print_run go run ${SOURCE_DIR}/internal/tools/protoc-gen-consul-rate-limit/postprocess/main.go ${flags[@]} || { err "Failed to generate gRPC rate limit mappings" return 1 } } main "$@" exit $?