import { get, computed } from '@ember/object'; /** * Converts a conventional non-pure Ember `computed` function into a pure one * (see * * @param {function} computed - a computed function to 'purify' (convert to a pure function) * @param {function} filter - Optional string filter function to pre-process the names of computed properties * @returns {function} - A pure `computed` function */ const _success = function(value) { return value; }; const purify = function(computed, filter = args => args) { return function() { let args = [...arguments]; let success = _success; // pop the user function off the end if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function') { success = args.pop(); } args = filter(args); // this is the 'conventional' `computed` const cb = function(name) { return success.apply( this, => { // Right now this just takes the first part of the path so: // `items.[]` or `items.@each.prop` etc // gives you `items` which is 'probably' what you expect // it won't work with something like `item.objects.[]` // it could potentially be made to do so, but we don't need that right now at least return get(this, item.split('.')[0]); }) ); }; // concat/push the user function back on return computed(...args.concat([cb])); }; }; export const subscribe = purify(computed); export default purify;