import { get, set } from '@ember/object'; const proxies = {}; export default function(ObjProxy, ArrProxy, createListeners) { return function(source, data = []) { let Proxy = ObjProxy; // TODO: Why are these two separate? // And when is data ever a string? if (typeof data !== 'string' && typeof get(data, 'length') !== 'undefined') { data = data.filter(function(item) { return !get(item, 'isDestroyed') && !get(item, 'isDeleted') && get(item, 'isLoaded'); }); } let type = 'object'; if (typeof data !== 'string' && typeof get(data, 'length') !== 'undefined') { Proxy = ArrProxy; type = 'array'; } if (typeof proxies[type] === 'undefined') { proxies[type] = Proxy.extend({ closed: false, error: null, init: function() { this.listeners = createListeners(); this.listeners.add(this._source, 'message', e => set(this, 'content',; this.listeners.add(this._source, 'open', () => set(this, 'closed', false)); this.listeners.add(this._source, 'close', () => set(this, 'closed', true)); this.listeners.add(this._source, 'error', e => set(this, 'error', e.error)); this._super(...arguments); }, addEventListener: function(type, handler) { // Force use of computed for messages // Temporarily disable this restriction // if (type !== 'message') { this.listeners.add(this._source, type, handler); // } }, getCurrentEvent: function() { return this._source.getCurrentEvent(...arguments); }, removeEventListener: function() { return this._source.removeEventListener(...arguments); }, dispatchEvent: function() { return this._source.dispatchEvent(...arguments); }, close: function() { return this._source.close(...arguments); }, open: function() { return; }, willDestroy: function() { this.listeners.remove(); }, }); } return proxies[type].create({ content: data, _source: source, configuration: source.configuration, }); }; }