import Helper from '@ember/component/helper'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { runInDebug } from '@ember/debug'; import MultiMap from 'mnemonist/multi-map'; // keep a record or attrs const attrs = new Map(); // keep a record of hashes privately const wm = new WeakMap(); export default class DocumentAttrsHelper extends Helper { @service('-document') document; compute(params, hash) { this.synchronize(this.document.documentElement, hash); } willDestroy() { this.synchronize(this.document.documentElement); wm.delete(this); } synchronize(root, hash) { const prev = wm.get(this); if (prev) { // if this helper was already setting a property then remove them from // our book keeping Object.entries(prev).forEach(([key, value]) => { let map = attrs.get(key); if (typeof map !== 'undefined') { [ Set(value.split(' '))].map(val => map.remove(val, this)); } }); } if (hash) { // if we are setting more properties add them to our book keeping wm.set(this, hash); [...Object.entries(hash)].forEach(([key, value]) => { let values = attrs.get(key); if (typeof values === 'undefined') { values = new MultiMap(Set); attrs.set(key, values); } [ Set(value.split(' '))].map(val => { if (values.count(val) === 0) { values.set(val, null); } values.set(val, this); }); }); } [...attrs.entries()].forEach(([attr, values]) => { let type = 'attr'; if (attr === 'class') { type = attr; } else if (attr.startsWith('data-')) { type = 'data'; } // go through our list of properties and synchronize the DOM // properties with our properties [...values.keys()].forEach(value => { if (values.count(value) === 1) { switch (type) { case 'class': root.classList.remove(value); break; case 'data': default: runInDebug(() => { throw new Error(`${type} is not implemented yet`); }); } values.delete(value); // remove the property if it has no values if (values.size === 0) { attrs.delete(attr); } } else { switch (type) { case 'class': root.classList.add(value); break; case 'data': default: runInDebug(() => { throw new Error(`${type} is not implemented yet`); }); } } }); }); return attrs; } }