import { get } from '@ember/object'; import { Promise } from 'rsvp'; // native EventSource retry is ~3s wait export const create5xxBackoff = function(ms = 3000, P = Promise, wait = setTimeout) { // This expects an ember-data like error return function(err) { const status = get(err, 'errors.firstObject.status'); if (typeof status !== 'undefined') { switch (true) { // Any '5xx' (not 500) errors should back off and try again case status.indexOf('5') === 0 && status.length === 3 && status !== '500': return new P(function(resolve) { wait(function() { resolve(err); }, ms); }); } } // any other errors should throw to be picked up by an error listener/catch throw err; }; }; const defaultCreateEvent = function(result, configuration) { return { type: 'message', data: result, }; }; /** * Wraps an EventSource with functionality to add native EventSource-like functionality * * @param {Class} [CallableEventSource] - CallableEventSource Class * @param {Function} [backoff] - Default backoff function for all instances, defaults to create5xxBackoff */ export default function(EventSource, backoff = create5xxBackoff()) { /** * An EventSource implementation to add native EventSource-like functionality with just callbacks (`cursor` and 5xx backoff) * * This includes: * 1. 5xx backoff support (uses a 3 second reconnect like native implementations). You can add to this via `Promise.catch` * 2. A `cursor` configuration value. Current `cursor` is taken from the `meta` property of the event (i.e. ``) * 3. Event data can be customized by adding a `configuration.createEvent` * * @param {Function} [source] - Promise returning function that resolves your data * @param {Object} [configuration] - Plain configuration object: * `cursor` - Cursor position of the EventSource * `createEvent` - A data filter, giving you the opportunity to filter or replace the event data, such as removing/replacing records */ return class extends EventSource { constructor(source, configuration = {}) { super(configuration => { const { createEvent, ...superConfiguration } = configuration; return source .apply(this, [superConfiguration]) .catch(backoff) .then(result => { if (!(result instanceof Error)) { const _createEvent = typeof createEvent === 'function' ? createEvent : defaultCreateEvent; let event = _createEvent(result, configuration); // allow custom types, but make a default of `message`, ideally this would check for CustomEvent // but keep this flexible for the moment if (!event.type) { event = { type: 'message', data: event, }; } // meta is also configurable by using createEvent const meta = get( || {}, 'meta'); if (meta) { // pick off the `cursor` from the meta and add it to configuration configuration.cursor = meta.cursor; } this.currentEvent = event; this.dispatchEvent(this.currentEvent); this.previousEvent = this.currentEvent; } return result; }); }, configuration); } // if we are having these props, at least make getters getCurrentEvent() { return this.currentEvent; } getPreviousEvent() { return this.previousEvent; } }; }