{{#if create }} {{/if}}
{{#if (env 'CONSUL_ACLS_ENABLED')}}


{{#if (can "write nspace" item=item)}} By adding roles to this namespaces, you will apply them to all tokens created within this namespace. {{else}} The following roles are applied to all tokens created within this namespace. {{/if}}


{{#if (can "write nspace" item=item)}} By adding policies to this namespaces, you will apply them to all tokens created within this namespace. {{else}} The following policies are applied to all tokens created within this namespace. {{/if}}

{{#if (and create (can "create nspaces")) }} {{else}} {{#if (can "write nspace" item=item)}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{# if (and (not create) (can "delete nspace" item=item) ) }} {{/if}}