import ApplicationRoute from '../routes/application'; import { I18nService, formatOptionsSymbol } from './i18n'; import ucfirst from 'consul-ui/utils/ucfirst'; import faker from 'faker'; let isDebugRoute = false; const routeChange = function(transition) { isDebugRoute ='docs'); }; const DebugRoute = class extends ApplicationRoute { constructor(owner) { super(...arguments); this.router = owner.lookup('service:router'); this.router.on('routeWillChange', routeChange); } renderTemplate() { if (isDebugRoute) { this.render('debug'); } else { super.renderTemplate(...arguments); } } willDestroy() {'routeWillChange', routeChange); super.willDestroy(...arguments); } }; // we currently use HTML in translations, so anything 'word-like' with these // chars won't get translated const translator = cb => item => (!['<', '>', '='].includes(item) ? cb(item) : item); class DebugI18nService extends I18nService { formatMessage(value, formatOptions) { const text = super.formatMessage(...arguments); let locale = this.env.var('CONSUL_INTL_LOCALE'); if (locale) { switch (this.env.var('CONSUL_INTL_LOCALE')) { case '-': return text .split(' ') .map( translator(item => item .split('') .map(item => '-') .join('') ) ) .join(' '); case 'la-fk': locale = 'en'; // fallsthrough default: faker.locale = locale; return text .split(' ') .map( translator(item => { const word = faker.lorem.word(); return item.charAt(0) === item.charAt(0).toUpperCase() ? ucfirst(word) : word; }) ) .join(' '); } } return text; } [formatOptionsSymbol]() { const formatOptions = super[formatOptionsSymbol](...arguments); if (this.env.var('CONSUL_INTL_DEBUG')) { return Object.fromEntries( // skip ember-intl special props like htmlSafe and default Object.entries(formatOptions).map(([key, value]) => !['htmlSafe', 'default'].includes(key) ? [key, `{${key}}`] : [key, value] ) ); } return formatOptions; } } export default { name: 'debug', after: 'i18n', initialize(application) { application.register('route:application', DebugRoute); application.register('service:intl', DebugI18nService); }, };