package consul import ( "encoding/base64" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "math/rand" "net" "os" "path" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" msgpackrpc "" "" "" ) func testJWTStandardClaims() jwt.Claims { now := time.Now() return jwt.Claims{ Subject: "consul", Issuer: "consul", Audience: jwt.Audience{"consul"}, NotBefore: jwt.NewNumericDate(now.Add(-1 * time.Second)), Expiry: jwt.NewNumericDate(now.Add(10 * time.Minute)), } } func signJWT(t *testing.T, privKey string, claims jwt.Claims, privateClaims interface{}) string { t.Helper() token, err := oidcauthtest.SignJWT(privKey, claims, privateClaims) require.NoError(t, err) return token } func signJWTWithStandardClaims(t *testing.T, privKey string, claims interface{}) string { t.Helper() return signJWT(t, privKey, testJWTStandardClaims(), claims) } // TestClusterAutoConfig is really an integration test of all the moving parts of the Cluster.AutoConfig RPC. // Full testing of the individual parts will not be done in this test: // // * Any implementations of the AutoConfigAuthorizer interface (although these test do use the jwtAuthorizer) // * Each of the individual config generation functions. These can be unit tested separately and many wont // require a running test server. func TestClusterAutoConfig(t *testing.T) { type testCase struct { request agentpb.AutoConfigRequest expected agentpb.AutoConfigResponse patchResponse func(t *testing.T, srv *Server, resp *agentpb.AutoConfigResponse) err string } gossipKey := make([]byte, 32) // this is not cryptographic randomness and is not secure but for the sake of this test its all we need. n, err := rand.Read(gossipKey) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, 32, n) gossipKeyEncoded := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(gossipKey) // generate a test certificate for the server serving out the insecure RPC cert, key, cacert, err := testTLSCertificates("server.dc1.consul") require.NoError(t, err) // generate a JWT signer pub, priv, err := oidcauthtest.GenerateKey() require.NoError(t, err) _, altpriv, err := oidcauthtest.GenerateKey() require.NoError(t, err) cases := map[string]testCase{ "wrong-datacenter": { request: agentpb.AutoConfigRequest{ Datacenter: "no-such-dc", }, err: `invalid datacenter "no-such-dc" - agent auto configuration cannot target a remote datacenter`, }, "unverifiable": { request: agentpb.AutoConfigRequest{ Node: "test-node", // this is signed using an incorrect private key JWT: signJWTWithStandardClaims(t, altpriv, map[string]interface{}{"consul_node_name": "test-node"}), }, err: "Permission denied: Failed JWT authorization: no known key successfully validated the token signature", }, "claim-assertion-failed": { request: agentpb.AutoConfigRequest{ Node: "test-node", JWT: signJWTWithStandardClaims(t, priv, map[string]interface{}{"wrong_claim": "test-node"}), }, err: "Permission denied: Failed JWT claim assertion", }, "good": { request: agentpb.AutoConfigRequest{ Node: "test-node", JWT: signJWTWithStandardClaims(t, priv, map[string]interface{}{"consul_node_name": "test-node"}), }, expected: agentpb.AutoConfigResponse{ Config: &config.Config{ Datacenter: "dc1", PrimaryDatacenter: "dc1", NodeName: "test-node", AutoEncrypt: &config.AutoEncrypt{ TLS: true, }, ACL: &config.ACL{ Enabled: true, PolicyTTL: "30s", TokenTTL: "30s", RoleTTL: "30s", DisabledTTL: "0s", DownPolicy: "extend-cache", DefaultPolicy: "deny", Tokens: &config.ACLTokens{ Agent: "patched-secret", }, }, Gossip: &config.Gossip{ Encryption: &config.GossipEncryption{ Key: gossipKeyEncoded, VerifyIncoming: true, VerifyOutgoing: true, }, }, TLS: &config.TLS{ VerifyOutgoing: true, VerifyServerHostname: true, MinVersion: "tls12", PreferServerCipherSuites: true, }, }, }, patchResponse: func(t *testing.T, srv *Server, resp *agentpb.AutoConfigResponse) { // we are expecting an ACL token but cannot check anything for equality // so here we check that it was set and overwrite it require.NotNil(t, resp.Config) require.NotNil(t, resp.Config.ACL) require.NotNil(t, resp.Config.ACL.Tokens) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Config.ACL.Tokens.Agent) resp.Config.ACL.Tokens.Agent = "patched-secret" // we don't know the expected join address until we start up the test server joinAddr := &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1), Port: srv.config.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig.AdvertisePort} require.NotNil(t, resp.Config.Gossip) require.Equal(t, []string{joinAddr.String()}, resp.Config.Gossip.RetryJoinLAN) resp.Config.Gossip.RetryJoinLAN = nil }, }, } _, s, _ := testACLServerWithConfig(t, func(c *Config) { c.Domain = "consul" c.AutoConfigAuthzEnabled = true c.AutoConfigAuthzAuthMethod = structs.ACLAuthMethod{ Name: "Auth Config Authorizer", Type: "jwt", EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(), Config: map[string]interface{}{ "BoundAudiences": []string{"consul"}, "BoundIssuer": "consul", "JWTValidationPubKeys": []string{pub}, "ClaimMappings": map[string]string{ "consul_node_name": "node", }, }, } c.AutoConfigAuthzClaimAssertions = []string{ `value.node == "${node}"`, } c.AutoConfigAuthzAllowReuse = true cafile := path.Join(c.DataDir, "cacert.pem") err := ioutil.WriteFile(cafile, []byte(cacert), 0600) require.NoError(t, err) certfile := path.Join(c.DataDir, "cert.pem") err = ioutil.WriteFile(certfile, []byte(cert), 0600) require.NoError(t, err) keyfile := path.Join(c.DataDir, "key.pem") err = ioutil.WriteFile(keyfile, []byte(key), 0600) require.NoError(t, err) c.CAFile = cafile c.CertFile = certfile c.KeyFile = keyfile c.VerifyOutgoing = true c.VerifyIncoming = true c.VerifyServerHostname = true c.TLSMinVersion = "tls12" c.TLSPreferServerCipherSuites = true c.ConnectEnabled = true c.AutoEncryptAllowTLS = true c.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig.GossipVerifyIncoming = true c.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig.GossipVerifyOutgoing = true keyring, err := memberlist.NewKeyring(nil, gossipKey) require.NoError(t, err) c.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig.Keyring = keyring }, false) conf := tlsutil.Config{ CAFile: s.config.CAFile, VerifyServerHostname: s.config.VerifyServerHostname, VerifyOutgoing: s.config.VerifyOutgoing, Domain: s.config.Domain, } codec, err := insecureRPCClient(s, conf) require.NoError(t, err) waitForLeaderEstablishment(t, s) for testName, tcase := range cases { t.Run(testName, func(t *testing.T) { var reply agentpb.AutoConfigResponse err := msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "Cluster.AutoConfig", &tcase.request, &reply) if tcase.err != "" { testutil.RequireErrorContains(t, err, tcase.err) } else { require.NoError(t, err) if tcase.patchResponse != nil { tcase.patchResponse(t, s, &reply) } require.Equal(t, tcase.expected, reply) } }) } } func TestClusterAutoConfig_baseConfig(t *testing.T) { type testCase struct { serverConfig Config opts AutoConfigOptions expected config.Config err string } cases := map[string]testCase{ "ok": { serverConfig: Config{ Datacenter: "oSWzfhnU", PrimaryDatacenter: "53XO9mx4", }, opts: AutoConfigOptions{ NodeName: "lBdc0lsH", SegmentName: "HZiwlWpi", }, expected: config.Config{ Datacenter: "oSWzfhnU", PrimaryDatacenter: "53XO9mx4", NodeName: "lBdc0lsH", SegmentName: "HZiwlWpi", }, }, "no-node-name": { serverConfig: Config{ Datacenter: "oSWzfhnU", PrimaryDatacenter: "53XO9mx4", }, err: "Cannot generate auto config response without a node name", }, } for name, tcase := range cases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { cluster := Cluster{ srv: &Server{ config: &tcase.serverConfig, }, } var actual config.Config err := cluster.baseConfig(tcase.opts, &actual) if tcase.err == "" { require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tcase.expected, actual) } else { testutil.RequireErrorContains(t, err, tcase.err) } }) } } func TestClusterAutoConfig_updateTLSSettingsInConfig(t *testing.T) { _, _, cacert, err := testTLSCertificates("server.dc1.consul") require.NoError(t, err) dir := testutil.TempDir(t, "auto-config-tls-settings") t.Cleanup(func() { os.RemoveAll(dir) }) cafile := path.Join(dir, "cacert.pem") err = ioutil.WriteFile(cafile, []byte(cacert), 0600) require.NoError(t, err) parseCiphers := func(t *testing.T, cipherStr string) []uint16 { t.Helper() ciphers, err := tlsutil.ParseCiphers(cipherStr) require.NoError(t, err) return ciphers } type testCase struct { tlsConfig tlsutil.Config expected config.Config } cases := map[string]testCase{ "secure": { tlsConfig: tlsutil.Config{ VerifyOutgoing: true, VerifyServerHostname: true, TLSMinVersion: "tls12", PreferServerCipherSuites: true, CAFile: cafile, CipherSuites: parseCiphers(t, "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384"), }, expected: config.Config{ TLS: &config.TLS{ VerifyOutgoing: true, VerifyServerHostname: true, MinVersion: "tls12", PreferServerCipherSuites: true, CipherSuites: "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", }, }, }, "less-secure": { tlsConfig: tlsutil.Config{ VerifyOutgoing: true, VerifyServerHostname: false, TLSMinVersion: "tls10", PreferServerCipherSuites: false, CAFile: cafile, CipherSuites: parseCiphers(t, "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384"), }, expected: config.Config{ TLS: &config.TLS{ VerifyOutgoing: true, VerifyServerHostname: false, MinVersion: "tls10", PreferServerCipherSuites: false, CipherSuites: "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", }, }, }, } for name, tcase := range cases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { logger := testutil.Logger(t) configurator, err := tlsutil.NewConfigurator(tcase.tlsConfig, logger) require.NoError(t, err) cluster := &Cluster{ srv: &Server{ tlsConfigurator: configurator, }, } var actual config.Config err = cluster.updateTLSSettingsInConfig(AutoConfigOptions{}, &actual) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tcase.expected, actual) }) } } func TestAutoConfig_updateGossipEncryptionInConfig(t *testing.T) { type testCase struct { conf memberlist.Config expected config.Config } gossipKey := make([]byte, 32) // this is not cryptographic randomness and is not secure but for the sake of this test its all we need. n, err := rand.Read(gossipKey) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, 32, n) gossipKeyEncoded := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(gossipKey) keyring, err := memberlist.NewKeyring(nil, gossipKey) require.NoError(t, err) cases := map[string]testCase{ "encryption-required": { conf: memberlist.Config{ Keyring: keyring, GossipVerifyIncoming: true, GossipVerifyOutgoing: true, }, expected: config.Config{ Gossip: &config.Gossip{ Encryption: &config.GossipEncryption{ Key: gossipKeyEncoded, VerifyIncoming: true, VerifyOutgoing: true, }, }, }, }, "encryption-allowed": { conf: memberlist.Config{ Keyring: keyring, GossipVerifyIncoming: false, GossipVerifyOutgoing: false, }, expected: config.Config{ Gossip: &config.Gossip{ Encryption: &config.GossipEncryption{ Key: gossipKeyEncoded, VerifyIncoming: false, VerifyOutgoing: false, }, }, }, }, "encryption-disabled": { // zero values all around - if no keyring is configured then the gossip // encryption settings should not be set. }, } for name, tcase := range cases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { cluster := Cluster{ srv: &Server{ config: DefaultConfig(), }, } cluster.srv.config.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig = &tcase.conf var actual config.Config err := cluster.updateGossipEncryptionInConfig(AutoConfigOptions{}, &actual) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tcase.expected, actual) }) } } func TestAutoConfig_updateTLSCertificatesInConfig(t *testing.T) { type testCase struct { serverConfig Config expected config.Config } cases := map[string]testCase{ "auto_encrypt-enabled": { serverConfig: Config{ ConnectEnabled: true, AutoEncryptAllowTLS: true, }, expected: config.Config{ AutoEncrypt: &config.AutoEncrypt{TLS: true}, }, }, "auto_encrypt-disabled": { serverConfig: Config{ ConnectEnabled: true, AutoEncryptAllowTLS: false, }, expected: config.Config{ AutoEncrypt: &config.AutoEncrypt{TLS: false}, }, }, } for name, tcase := range cases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { cluster := Cluster{ srv: &Server{ config: &tcase.serverConfig, }, } var actual config.Config err := cluster.updateTLSCertificatesInConfig(AutoConfigOptions{}, &actual) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tcase.expected, actual) }) } } func TestAutoConfig_updateACLsInConfig(t *testing.T) { type testCase struct { patch func(c *Config) expected config.Config verify func(t *testing.T, c *config.Config) err string } cases := map[string]testCase{ "enabled": { patch: func(c *Config) { c.ACLsEnabled = true c.ACLPolicyTTL = 7 * time.Second c.ACLRoleTTL = 10 * time.Second c.ACLTokenTTL = 12 * time.Second c.ACLDisabledTTL = 31 * time.Second c.ACLDefaultPolicy = "allow" c.ACLDownPolicy = "deny" c.ACLEnableKeyListPolicy = true }, expected: config.Config{ ACL: &config.ACL{ Enabled: true, PolicyTTL: "7s", RoleTTL: "10s", TokenTTL: "12s", DisabledTTL: "31s", DownPolicy: "deny", DefaultPolicy: "allow", EnableKeyListPolicy: true, Tokens: &config.ACLTokens{Agent: "verified"}, }, }, verify: func(t *testing.T, c *config.Config) { t.Helper() // the agent token secret is non-deterministically generated // So we want to validate that one was set and overwrite with // a value that the expected configurate wants. require.NotNil(t, c) require.NotNil(t, c.ACL) require.NotNil(t, c.ACL.Tokens) require.NotEmpty(t, c.ACL.Tokens.Agent) c.ACL.Tokens.Agent = "verified" }, }, "disabled": { patch: func(c *Config) { c.ACLsEnabled = false c.ACLPolicyTTL = 7 * time.Second c.ACLRoleTTL = 10 * time.Second c.ACLTokenTTL = 12 * time.Second c.ACLDisabledTTL = 31 * time.Second c.ACLDefaultPolicy = "allow" c.ACLDownPolicy = "deny" c.ACLEnableKeyListPolicy = true }, expected: config.Config{ ACL: &config.ACL{ Enabled: false, PolicyTTL: "7s", RoleTTL: "10s", TokenTTL: "12s", DisabledTTL: "31s", DownPolicy: "deny", DefaultPolicy: "allow", EnableKeyListPolicy: true, }, }, }, "local-tokens-disabled": { patch: func(c *Config) { c.PrimaryDatacenter = "somewhere else" }, err: "Agent Auto Configuration requires local token usage to be enabled in this datacenter", }, } for name, tcase := range cases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { _, s, _ := testACLServerWithConfig(t, tcase.patch, false) waitForLeaderEstablishment(t, s) cluster := Cluster{srv: s} var actual config.Config err := cluster.updateACLsInConfig(AutoConfigOptions{NodeName: "something"}, &actual) if tcase.err != "" { testutil.RequireErrorContains(t, err, tcase.err) } else { require.NoError(t, err) if tcase.verify != nil { tcase.verify(t, &actual) } require.Equal(t, tcase.expected, actual) } }) } } func TestAutoConfig_updateJoinAddressesInConfig(t *testing.T) { conf := testClusterConfig{ Datacenter: "primary", Servers: 3, } nodes := newTestCluster(t, &conf) cluster := Cluster{srv: nodes.Servers[0]} var actual config.Config err := cluster.updateJoinAddressesInConfig(AutoConfigOptions{}, &actual) require.NoError(t, err) var expected []string for _, srv := range nodes.Servers { expected = append(expected, fmt.Sprintf("", srv.config.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindPort)) } require.NotNil(t, actual.Gossip) require.ElementsMatch(t, expected, actual.Gossip.RetryJoinLAN) }