import RepositoryService from 'consul-ui/services/repository'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; import { runInDebug } from '@ember/debug'; const modelName = 'permission'; // The set of permissions/resources required globally by the UI in order to // run correctly const REQUIRED_PERMISSIONS = [ { Resource: 'operator', Access: 'write', }, { Resource: 'operator', Access: 'read', }, { Resource: 'service', Access: 'read', }, { Resource: 'node', Access: 'read', }, { Resource: 'session', Access: 'read', }, { Resource: 'session', Access: 'write', }, { Resource: 'key', Access: 'read', }, { Resource: 'key', Access: 'write', }, { Resource: 'intention', Access: 'read', }, { Resource: 'intention', Access: 'write', }, { Resource: 'acl', Access: 'read', }, { Resource: 'acl', Access: 'write', }, ]; export default class PermissionService extends RepositoryService { @service('env') env; @service('can') _can; // TODO: move this to the store, if we want it to use ember-data // currently this overwrites an inherited permissions service (this service) // which isn't ideal, but if the name of this changes be aware that we'd // probably have some circular dependency happening here @tracked permissions = []; getModelName() { return modelName; } has(permission) { const keys = Object.keys(permission); return this.permissions.some(item => { return keys.every(key => item[key] === permission[key]) && item.Allow === true; }); } can(can) { return this._can.can(can); } abilityFor(str) { return this._can.abilityFor(str); } generate(resource, action, segment) { const req = { Resource: resource, Access: action, }; if (typeof segment !== 'undefined') { req.Segment = segment; } return req; } /** * Requests the access for the defined resources/permissions from the backend. * If ACLs are disabled, then you have access to everything, hence we check * that here and only make the request if ACLs are enabled */ async authorize(params) { if (!this.env.var('CONSUL_ACLS_ENABLED')) { return => { return { ...item, Allow: true, }; }); } else { let resources = []; try { resources = await'permission', params); } catch (e) { runInDebug(() => console.error(e)); // passthrough } return resources; } } async findBySlug(params, model) { let ability; try { ability = this._can.abilityFor(model); } catch (e) { return []; } const resources = ability.generateForSegment(; // if we get no resources for a segment it means that this // ability/permission isn't segmentable if (resources.length === 0) { return []; } params.resources = resources; return this.authorize(params); } async findByPermissions(params) { return this.authorize(params); } async findAll(params) { params.resources = REQUIRED_PERMISSIONS; this.permissions = await this.findByPermissions(params); return this.permissions; } }