--- description: |- Consul is a service networking solution to connect and secure services across any runtime platform and public or private cloud ---

Easy Service Networking

Consul is a service networking solution to connect and secure services across any runtime platform and public or private cloud

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Service-based networking for dynamic infrastructure

The shift from static infrastructure to dynamic infrastructure changes the approach to networking from host-based to service-based. Connectivity moves from the use of static IPs to dynamic service discovery, and security moves from static firewalls to service identity.


Host-based networking static, host-based networking


Service-based networking
<%= inline_svg 'consul-connect/svgs/dynamic.svg' %>

Use Cases

Consul can be run as a platform to solve a range of use-cases in service networking.

Service Discovery

Service Discovery

Use the service registry to address and discover services across multiple runtime platforms, cloud providers and regions.

Service Mesh

Service Mesh

Service discovery, identity-based authorization, and L7 traffic management abstracted from application code with proxies in the service mesh pattern.

Consul Principles


Codify and automate service definitions, health checks, service authorization policies, failover logic, and more.

$ curl http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/deployment [ { "LockIndex": 1, "Session": "1c3f5836-4df4-0e26-6697-90dcce78acd9", "Value": "Zm9v", "Flags": 0, "Key": "deployment", "CreateIndex": 13, "ModifyIndex": 19 } ]

Run and Connect Anywhere

Connect services across any runtime platform and public or private cloud. Connect services from Kubernetes to VMs, Containers to Serverless functions.

Run and Connect Anywhere

Extend and Integrate

Provision clusters on any infrastructure, connect to services over TLS via proxy integrations, and Serve TLS certificates with pluggable Certificate Authorities.

Extend and Integrate

Companies that trust Consul

SAP Ariba
Spaceflight Industries
<%= inline_svg 'consul-connect/logos/consul-logo.svg' %>

Consul Open Source addresses the technical complexity of connecting services across distributed infrastructure.

<%= inline_svg 'consul-connect/logos/consul-enterprise-logo.svg' %>

Consul Enterprise addresses the organizational complexity of large user bases and compliance requirements with collaboration and governance features.

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