--- layout: docs page_title: Run Consul-Terraform-Sync description: >- Consul-Terraform-Sync requires a Terraform Provider, a Terraform Module and a running Consul Cluster outside of the consul-terraform-sync daemon. --- # Run Consul-Terraform-Sync 1. Move the `consul-terraform-sync` binary to a location available on your `PATH`. ```shell-session $ mv ~/Downloads/consul-terraform-sync /usr/local/bin/consul-terraform-sync ``` 2. Create the config.hcl file, all the options are available [here](/docs/nia/installation/configuration). 3. Run consul-terraform-sync. ```shell-session $ consul-terraform-sync -config-file ``` 4. Check status of tasks. Replace port number if configured in Step 2. See additional API endpoints [here](/docs/nia/api) ```shell-session $ curl localhost:8558/status/tasks ``` ## Other Run modes Consul-Terraform-Sync allows you to inspect your configuration before applying any change and to run in once mode, meaning that you can verify the changes are correctly applied in a test run before running it in unsupervised daemon mode. To learn more on these options check the [Consul-Terraform-Sync Run Modes and Status Inspection](https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/consul-terraform-sync-run-and-inspect?utm_source=WEBSITE&utm_medium=WEB_IO&utm_offer=ARTICLE_PAGE&utm_content=DOCS) tutorial.