import { isLegacy } from 'consul-ui/helpers/token/is-legacy'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; module('Unit | Helper | token/is-legacy'); test('it returns true if the token has a Legacy=true', function(assert) { const actual = isLegacy([{ Legacy: true }]); assert.ok(actual); }); test('it returns false if the token has a Legacy=false', function(assert) { const actual = isLegacy([{ Legacy: false }]); assert.notOk(actual); }); test('it returns true if the token has Rules', function(assert) { const actual = isLegacy([{ Rules: 'some rules' }]); assert.ok(actual); }); test('it returns false if the token has Rules but those rules are empty', function(assert) { const actual = isLegacy([{ Rules: '' }]); assert.notOk(actual); }); test('it returns false if the token has Rules but those rules are empty', function(assert) { const actual = isLegacy([{ Rules: null }]); assert.notOk(actual); }); // passing arrays test("it returns false if things don't have Legacy or Rules", function(assert) { const actual = isLegacy([[{}, {}]]); assert.notOk(actual); }); test('it returns true if the token has a Legacy=true', function(assert) { const actual = isLegacy([[{}, { Legacy: true }]]); assert.ok(actual); }); test('it returns false if the token has a Legacy=false', function(assert) { const actual = isLegacy([[{}, { Legacy: false }]]); assert.notOk(actual); }); test('it returns true if one token has Rules', function(assert) { const actual = isLegacy([[{}, { Rules: 'some rules' }]]); assert.ok(actual); }); test('it returns false if tokens have no Rules, or has Rules but those rules are empty', function(assert) { const actual = isLegacy([[{}, { Rules: '' }]]); assert.notOk(actual); });