import Component from '@ember/component'; import { get, set } from '@ember/object'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import Slotted from 'block-slots'; import templatize from 'consul-ui/utils/templatize'; export default Component.extend(Slotted, { tagName: '', dom: service('dom'), checked: true, height: null, // dialog is a reference to the modal-dialog 'panel' so its 'window' dialog: null, overflowingClass: 'overflowing', onclose: function() {}, onopen: function() {}, _open: function(e) { set(this, 'checked', true); if (this.height === null) { if (this.element) { const dialogPanel = this.dom.element('.modal-dialog-window', this.modal); const rect = dialogPanel.getBoundingClientRect(); set(this, 'dialog', dialogPanel); set(this, 'height', rect.height); } } this.didAppear(); this.onopen(e); }, didAppear: function() { this._super(...arguments); if (this.checked) { this.dom.root().classList.add(...templatize(['with-modal'])); } }, _close: function(e) { set(this, 'checked', false); const dialogPanel = this.dialog; if (dialogPanel) { const overflowing = this.overflowingClass; if (dialogPanel.classList.contains(overflowing)) { dialogPanel.classList.remove(overflowing); } } // TODO: should we make a didDisappear? this.dom.root().classList.remove(...templatize(['with-modal'])); this.onclose(e); }, didReceiveAttrs: function() { this._super(...arguments); // TODO: Why does setting name mean checked it false? // It's because if it has a name then it is likely to be linked // to HTML state rather than just being added via HTMLBars // and therefore likely to be immediately on the page // It's not our usecase just yet, but this should check the state // of the thing its linked to, incase that has a `checked` of true // right now we know ours is always false. if ( { set(this, 'checked', false); } if (this.element) { if (this.checked) { // TODO: probably need an event here // possibly this.element for the target // or find the input this._open({ target: {} }); } } }, didInsertElement: function() { this._super(...arguments); this.actions.resize.apply(this, [{ target: this.dom.viewport() }]); if (this.checked) { // TODO: probably need an event here // possibly this.element for the target // or find the input this._open({ target: {} }); } }, didDestroyElement: function() { this._super(...arguments); this.dom.root().classList.remove(...templatize(['with-modal'])); }, actions: { resize: function(e) { if (this.checked) { const height = this.height; if (height !== null) { const dialogPanel = this.dialog; const overflowing = this.overflowingClass; if (height > { if (!dialogPanel.classList.contains(overflowing)) { dialogPanel.classList.add(overflowing); } return; } else { if (dialogPanel.classList.contains(overflowing)) { dialogPanel.classList.remove(overflowing); } } } } }, change: function(e) { if (get(e, 'target.checked')) { this._open(e); } else { this._close(e); } }, close: function() { const $close = this.dom.element('#modal_close'); $close.checked = true; const $input = this.dom.element('input[name="modal"]', this.modal); $input.onchange({ target: $input }); }, }, });