{{title 'Nodes'}}

Nodes {{format-number items.length}} total

{{#if (gt items.length 0) }} {{/if}} {{#if (gt unhealthy.length 0) }}

Unhealthy Nodes

{{! think about 2 differing views here }}
    {{#each unhealthy as |item|}} {{#if (eq item.Address leader.Address)}} Leader {{/if}} {{/each}}

    There are no unhealthy nodes for that search.

{{/if}} {{#if (gt healthy.length 0) }}

Healthy Nodes

{{#if (eq item.Address leader.Address)}} Leader {{/if}}

There are no healthy nodes for that search.

{{/if}} {{#if (and (eq healthy.length 0) (eq unhealthy.length 0)) }}

There are no nodes.
