// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 syntax = "proto3"; // This package contains types used by the Raft storage backend that lives in // the internal/storage/raft Go package. package hashicorp.consul.internal.storage.raft; import "annotations/ratelimit/ratelimit.proto"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "pbresource/resource.proto"; // Forwarding service is used for forwarding write and consistent read // operations to the Raft leader. It is served on Consul's multiplexed // server port, which is the same port used for regular Raft traffic. service ForwardingService { // Write handles a forwarded write operation. rpc Write(WriteRequest) returns (WriteResponse) { option (hashicorp.consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = { operation_type: OPERATION_TYPE_EXEMPT, operation_category: OPERATION_CATEGORY_RESOURCE }; } // Delete handles a forwarded delete operation. rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (hashicorp.consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = { operation_type: OPERATION_TYPE_EXEMPT, operation_category: OPERATION_CATEGORY_RESOURCE }; } // Read handles a forwarded read operation. rpc Read(ReadRequest) returns (ReadResponse) { option (hashicorp.consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = { operation_type: OPERATION_TYPE_EXEMPT, operation_category: OPERATION_CATEGORY_RESOURCE }; } // List handles a forwarded list operation. rpc List(ListRequest) returns (ListResponse) { option (hashicorp.consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = { operation_type: OPERATION_TYPE_EXEMPT, operation_category: OPERATION_CATEGORY_RESOURCE }; } } // LogType describes the type of operation being written to the Raft log. enum LogType { LOG_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; LOG_TYPE_WRITE = 1; LOG_TYPE_DELETE = 2; } // Log is protobuf-encoded and written to the Raft log. message Log { LogType type = 1; oneof request { WriteRequest write = 2; DeleteRequest delete = 3; } } // LogResponse contains the FSM's response to applying a log. message LogResponse { oneof response { WriteResponse write = 1; google.protobuf.Empty delete = 2; } } // WriteRequest contains the parameters for a write operation. message WriteRequest { hashicorp.consul.resource.Resource resource = 1; } // WriteResponse contains the results of a write operation. message WriteResponse { hashicorp.consul.resource.Resource resource = 1; } // DeleteRequest contains the parameters for a write operation. message DeleteRequest { hashicorp.consul.resource.ID id = 1; string version = 2; } // ReadRequest contains the parameters for a consistent read operation. message ReadRequest { hashicorp.consul.resource.ID id = 1; } // ReadResponse contains the results of a consistent read operation. message ReadResponse { hashicorp.consul.resource.Resource resource = 1; } // ListRequest contains the parameters for a consistent list operation. message ListRequest { hashicorp.consul.resource.Type type = 1; hashicorp.consul.resource.Tenancy tenancy = 2; string name_prefix = 3; } // ListResponse contains the results of a consistent list operation. message ListResponse { repeated hashicorp.consul.resource.Resource resources = 1; } // GroupVersionMismatchErrorDetails contains the error details that will be // returned when the leader encounters a storage.GroupVersionMismatchError. message GroupVersionMismatchErrorDetails { hashicorp.consul.resource.Type requested_type = 1; hashicorp.consul.resource.Resource stored = 2; }