@setupApplicationTest Feature: deleting: Deleting items with confirmations, success and error notifications In order to delete items in consul As a user I should be able to delete items, get confirmation or a error notification that it has or has not been deleted Background: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter" Scenario: Deleting a [Edit] model from the [Listing] listing page Given 1 [Edit] model from json --- [Data] --- When I visit the [Listing] page for yaml --- dc: datacenter --- And I click actions on the [Listing] And I click delete on the [Listing] And I click confirmDelete on the [Listing] Then a [Method] request is made to "[URL]" And "[data-notification]" has the "notification-delete" class And "[data-notification]" has the "success" class When I visit the [Edit] page for yaml --- dc: datacenter [Slug] --- Given the url "[URL]" responds with a 500 status And I click delete And I click confirmDelete And "[data-notification]" has the "notification-delete" class And "[data-notification]" has the "error" class Where: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Edit | Listing | Method | URL | Data | Slug | # | acl | acls | PUT | /v1/acl/destroy/something?dc=datacenter | {"Name": "something", "ID": "something"} | acl: something | | kv | kvs | DELETE | /v1/kv/key-name?dc=datacenter | ["key-name"] | kv: key-name | | intention | intentions | DELETE | /v1/connect/intentions/ee52203d-989f-4f7a-ab5a-2bef004164ca?dc=datacenter | {"SourceName": "name", "ID": "ee52203d-989f-4f7a-ab5a-2bef004164ca"} | intention: ee52203d-989f-4f7a-ab5a-2bef004164ca | | token | tokens | DELETE | /v1/acl/token/001fda31-194e-4ff1-a5ec-589abf2cafd0?dc=datacenter | {"AccessorID": "001fda31-194e-4ff1-a5ec-589abf2cafd0"} | token: 001fda31-194e-4ff1-a5ec-589abf2cafd0 | | policy | policies | DELETE | /v1/acl/policy/1981f51d-301a-497b-89a0-05112ef02b4b?dc=datacenter | {"ID": "1981f51d-301a-497b-89a0-05112ef02b4b"} | policy: 1981f51d-301a-497b-89a0-05112ef02b4b | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Deleting a [Model] from the [Model] detail page When I visit the [Model] page for yaml --- dc: datacenter [Slug] --- And I click delete And I click confirmDelete Then a [Method] request is made to "[URL]" And "[data-notification]" has the "notification-delete" class And "[data-notification]" has the "success" class When I visit the [Model] page for yaml --- dc: datacenter [Slug] --- Given the url "[URL]" responds with a 500 status And I click delete And I click confirmDelete And "[data-notification]" has the "notification-delete" class And "[data-notification]" has the "error" class Where: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Model | Method | URL | Data | Slug | # | acl | PUT | /v1/acl/destroy/something?dc=datacenter | {"Name": "something", "ID": "something"} | acl: something | | kv | DELETE | /v1/kv/key-name?dc=datacenter | ["key-name"] | kv: key-name | | intention | DELETE | /v1/connect/intentions/ee52203d-989f-4f7a-ab5a-2bef004164ca?dc=datacenter | {"SourceName": "name", "ID": "ee52203d-989f-4f7a-ab5a-2bef004164ca"} | intention: ee52203d-989f-4f7a-ab5a-2bef004164ca | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ignore Scenario: Sort out the wide tables ^ Then ok