# Adding a new topic to streaming This document is a guide for adding a new streaming topic. 1. Add the name of the topic to the [proto/pbsubscribe/subscribe.proto Topic enum][1]. Run `make proto` to generate the Go code from the protobuf. 2. Add a `FromChanges` function to the list of change functions in [agent/consul/state.processDBChanges][2]. The `FromChanges` function should examine the list of `Changes` and return a list of events that subscriptions would need to update their view. 3. Add a snapshot function to [agent/consul/state.newSnapshotHandlers][3]. The snapshot function should produce a set of events to create the initial state of the view. Generally these are all "create" events. 4. Add a new `Payload` type, similar to [agent/consul/state.EventPayloadCheckServiceNode][6]. This type will be used in the `Payload` field of the event. 5. Create the protobuf for the payload, and add the `Payload` type to the `oneof` in [proto/pbsubscrube/subscribe.proto Event.Payload][7]. This may require creating other protobuf types as well, to encode anything in the payload. Run `make proto` to generate the Go code from the protobuf. 6. Add another case to [agent/rpc/subscribe.setPayload][8] to convert from the Payload type in `state`, to the protobuf type. This may require either writing or generating a function to convert between the types. 7. Add a new cache-type that uses [agent/submatview.Materializer][4] similar to [agent/cache-types/streaming_health_services.go][5]. [1]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/blob/v1.9.4/proto/pbsubscribe/subscribe.proto#L37-L45 [2]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/blob/v1.9.4/agent/consul/state/memdb.go#L188-L192 [3]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/blob/v1.9.4/agent/consul/state/memdb.go#L205-L209 [4]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/blob/v1.9.4/agent/submatview/materializer.go#L76 [5]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/blob/v1.9.4/agent/cache-types/streaming_health_services.go [6]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/blob/v1.9.4/agent/consul/state/catalog_events.go#L12-L46 [7]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/blob/v1.9.4/proto/pbsubscribe/subscribe.proto#L95-L117 [8]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/blob/v1.9.4/agent/rpc/subscribe/subscribe.go#L161-L168