@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / nodes / sessions / invalidate: Invalidate Lock Sessions In order to invalidate a lock session As a user I should be able to invalidate a lock session by clicking a button and confirming Scenario: Given 2 lock sessions Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc1" And 1 node model from yaml --- - ID: node-0 --- And 2 session models from yaml --- - ID: 7bbbd8bb-fff3-4292-b6e3-cfedd788546a - ID: 7ccd0bd7-a5e0-41ae-a33e-ed3793d803b2 --- When I visit the node page for yaml --- dc: dc1 node: node-0 --- And I click lockSessions on the tabs Then I see lockSessionsIsSelected on the tabs And I click delete on the sessions And I click confirmDelete on the sessions Then a PUT request is made to "/v1/session/destroy/7bbbd8bb-fff3-4292-b6e3-cfedd788546a?dc=dc1"