import Mixin from '@ember/object/mixin'; import { get } from '@ember/object'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import WithFeedback from 'consul-ui/mixins/with-feedback'; export default Mixin.create(WithFeedback, { settings: service('settings'), actions: { create: function(item) { get(this, 'feedback').execute( () => { return get(this, 'repo') .persist(item) .then(item => { return this.transitionTo('dc.acls'); }); }, `Your ACL token has been added.`, `There was an error adding your ACL token.` ); }, update: function(item) { get(this, 'feedback').execute( () => { return get(this, 'repo') .persist(item) .then(() => { return this.transitionTo('dc.acls'); }); }, `Your ACL token was saved.`, `There was an error saving your ACL token.` ); }, delete: function(item) { get(this, 'feedback').execute( () => { return ( get(this, 'repo') // ember-changeset doesn't support `get` // and `data` returns an object not a model .remove(item) .then(() => { switch (this.routeName) { case 'dc.acls.index': return this.refresh(); default: return this.transitionTo('dc.acls'); } }) ); }, `Your ACL token was deleted.`, `There was an error deleting your ACL token.` ); }, cancel: function(item) { this.transitionTo('dc.acls'); }, use: function(item) { get(this, 'feedback').execute( () => { return get(this, 'settings') .persist({ token: get(item, 'ID') }) .then(() => { this.transitionTo(''); }); }, `Now using new ACL token`, `There was an error using that ACL token` ); }, clone: function(item) { get(this, 'feedback').execute( () => { return get(this, 'repo') .clone(item) .then(item => { switch (this.routeName) { case 'dc.acls.index': return this.refresh(); default: return this.transitionTo('dc.acls'); } }); }, `Your ACL token was cloned.`, `There was an error cloning your ACL token.` ); }, }, });