const filter = function(routeName, atts, params) { if (typeof params.nspace !== 'undefined' && routeName.startsWith('dc.')) { routeName = `nspace.${routeName}`; atts = [params.nspace].concat(atts); } return [routeName, ...atts]; }; const replaceRouteParams = function(route, params = {}) { return (route.paramNames || []) .map(function(item) { if (typeof params[item] !== 'undefined') { return params[item]; } return route.params[item]; }) .reverse(); }; export default function(route, params = {}, container) { if (route === null) { route = container.lookup('route:application'); } let atts = replaceRouteParams(route, params); // walk up the entire route/s replacing any instances // of the specified params with the values specified let current = route; let parent; while ((parent = current.parent)) { atts = atts.concat(replaceRouteParams(parent, params)); current = parent; } // Reverse atts here so it doen't get confusing whilst debugging // (.reverse is destructive) atts.reverse(); return filter( || 'application', atts, params); }