#!/usr/bin/env bats load helpers @test "gateway-primary proxy admin is up on :19000" { retry_default curl -f -s localhost:19000/stats -o /dev/null } @test "gateway-primary should have healthy endpoints for secondary" { assert_upstream_has_endpoints_in_status secondary HEALTHY 1 } @test "gateway-primary should have healthy endpoints for secondary servers" { assert_upstream_has_endpoints_in_status server.secondary.consul HEALTHY 1 } @test "gateway-primary should have healthy endpoints for lone primary server" { assert_upstream_has_endpoints_in_status pri.server.primary.consul HEALTHY 1 } @test "gateway-secondary should be up and listening" { retry_long nc -z consul-secondary:4432 } @test "primary should be able to rpc to the secondary" { retry_long curl -sL -f -XPUT localhost:8500/v1/kv/foo?dc=secondary -d'{"Value":"bar"}' } @test "wan pool should show 2 healthy nodes" { assert_alive_wan_member_count 2 }