@import './composite-row/index'; .proxy-upstreams > ul > li, .proxy-exposed-paths > ul > li, .list-collection > ul > li:not(:first-child) { @extend %composite-row; } /* hoverable rows */ %composite-row.linkable, .consul-gateway-service-list > ul > li:not(:first-child), .consul-service-instance-list > ul > li:not(:first-child), .consul-service-list > ul > li:not(:first-child), .consul-token-list > ul > li:not(:first-child) { @extend %with-composite-row-intent; } /*TODO: This hides the icons-less dt's in the below lists as */ /* they don't have tooltips */ .consul-token-list > ul > li:not(:first-child) dt { display: none; } /* TODO: the service list has a 1px offset */ .consul-service-list li > div:first-child > dl:first-child dd { margin-top: 1px; } .proxy-exposed-paths tbody tr { cursor: default !important; } .proxy-exposed-paths tbody tr:hover { box-shadow: none !important; } .proxy-exposed-paths tbody tr .combined-address button:hover { // In this case we do not need a background on the icon background-color: $transparent !important; } .proxy-exposed-paths > ul, .proxy-upstreams > ul { border-top: 1px solid $gray-200; }