function tag_release { # Arguments: # $1 - Path to top level consul source # $2 - Version string to use for tagging the release # $3 - Alternative GPG key id used for signing the release commit (optional) # # Returns: # 0 - success # * - error # # Notes: # If the RELEASE_UNSIGNED environment variable is set then no gpg signing will occur if ! test -d "$1" then err "ERROR: '$1' is not a directory. tag_release must be called with the path to the top level source as the first argument'" return 1 fi if test -z "$2" then err "ERROR: tag_release must be called with a version number as the second argument" return 1 fi # determine whether the gpg key to use is being overridden local gpg_key=${HASHICORP_GPG_KEY} if test -n "$3" then gpg_key=$3 fi pushd "$1" > /dev/null local ret=0 local branch_to_tag=$(git_branch) || ret=1 # perform an usngined release if requested (mainly for testing locally) if test ${ret} -ne 0 then err "ERROR: Failed to determine git branch to tag" elif is_set "$RELEASE_UNSIGNED" then ( git commit --allow-empty -a -m "Release v${2}" && git tag -a -m "Version ${2}" "v${2}" "${branch_to_tag}" ) ret=$? # perform a signed release (official releases should do this) elif have_gpg_key ${gpg_key} then ( git commit --allow-empty -a --gpg-sign=${gpg_key} -m "Release v${2}" && git tag -a -m "Version ${2}" -s -u ${gpg_key} "v${2}" "${branch_to_tag}" ) ret=$? # unsigned release not requested and gpg key isn't useable else err "ERROR: GPG key ${gpg_key} is not in the local keychain - to continue set RELEASE_UNSIGNED=1 in the env" ret=1 fi popd > /dev/null return $ret } function package_binaries { # Arguments: # $1 - Path to the directory containing the built binaries # $2 - Destination path of the packaged binaries # $3 - Version # # Returns: # 0 - success # * - error local sdir="$1" local ddir="$2" local vers="$3" local ret=0 if ! test -d "${sdir}" then err "ERROR: '$1' is not a directory. package_binaries must be called with the path to the directory containing the binaries" return 1 fi rm -rf "${ddir}" > /dev/null 2>&1 mkdir -p "${ddir}" >/dev/null 2>&1 for platform in $(find "${sdir}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d) do local os_arch=$(basename $platform) local dest="${ddir}/${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${vers}_${os_arch}.zip" status "Compressing ${os_arch} directory into ${dest}" pushd "${platform}" > /dev/null zip "${ddir}/${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${vers}_${os_arch}.zip" ./* ret=$? popd > /dev/null if test "$ret" -ne 0 then break fi done return ${ret} } function package_release_one { # Arguments: # $1 - Path to the top level Consul source # $2 - Version to use in the names of the zip files (optional) # $3 - Subdirectory under pkg/dist to use (optional) # # Returns: # 0 - success # * - error if ! test -d "$1" then err "ERROR: '$1' is not a directory. package_release must be called with the path to the top level source as the first argument'" return 1 fi local sdir="$1" local ret=0 local vers="$2" local extra_dir_name="$3" local extra_dir="" if test -n "${extra_dir_name}" then extra_dir="${extra_dir_name}/" fi if test -z "${vers}" then vers=$(get_version "${sdir}" true false) ret=$? if test "$ret" -ne 0 then err "ERROR: failed to determine the version." return $ret fi fi package_binaries "${sdir}/pkg/bin/${extra_dir}" "${sdir}/pkg/dist/${extra_dir}" "${vers}" return $? } function package_release { # Arguments: # $1 - Path to the top level Consul source # $2 - Version to use in the names of the zip files (optional) # # Returns: # 0 - success # * - error package_release_one "$1" "$2" "" return $? } function shasum_release { # Arguments: # $1 - Path to the dist directory # $2 - Version of the release # # Returns: # 0 - success # * - failure local sdir="$1" local vers="$2" if ! test -d "$1" then err "ERROR: sign_release requires a path to the dist dir as the first argument" return 1 fi if test -z "${vers}" then err "ERROR: sign_release requires a version to be specified as the second argument" return 1 fi local hfile="${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${vers}_SHA256SUMS" shasum_directory "${sdir}" "${sdir}/${hfile}" return $? } function sign_release { # Arguments: # $1 - Path to distribution directory # $2 - Version # $2 - Alternative GPG key to use for signing # # Returns: # 0 - success # * - failure local sdir="$1" local vers="$2" if ! test -d "${sdir}" then err "ERROR: sign_release requires a path to the dist dir as the first argument" return 1 fi if test -z "${vers}" then err "ERROR: sign_release requires a version to be specified as the second argument" return 1 fi local hfile="${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${vers}_SHA256SUMS" status_stage "==> Signing ${hfile}" gpg_detach_sign "${1}/${hfile}" "$2" || return 1 return 0 } function check_release_one { # Arguments: # $1 - Path to the release files # $2 - Version to expect # $3 - boolean whether to expect the signature file # $4 - Release Name (optional) # # Returns: # 0 - success # * - failure declare -i ret=0 declare -a expected_files declare log_extra="" if test -n "$4" then log_extra="for $4 " fi expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}_SHA256SUMS") echo "check sig: $3" if is_set "$3" then expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}_SHA256SUMS.sig") fi expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}") expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}") expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}") expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}") expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}") expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}") expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}") expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}") expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}") expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}") expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}") expected_files+=("${CONSUL_PKG_NAME}_${2}") declare -a found_files status_stage "==> Verifying release contents ${log_extra}- ${2}" debug "Expecting Files:" for fname in "${expected_files[@]}" do debug " $fname" done pushd "$1" > /dev/null for actual_fname in $(ls) do local found=0 for i in "${!expected_files[@]}" do local expected_fname="${expected_files[i]}" if test "${expected_fname}" == "${actual_fname}" then # remove from the expected_files array unset 'expected_files[i]' # append to the list of found files found_files+=("${expected_fname}") # mark it as found so we dont error found=1 break fi done if test $found -ne 1 then err "ERROR: Release build has an extra file: ${actual_fname}" ret=1 fi done popd > /dev/null for fname in "${expected_files[@]}" do err "ERROR: Release build is missing a file: $fname" ret=1 done if test $ret -eq 0 then status "Release build contents:" for fname in "${found_files[@]}" do echo " $fname" done fi return $ret } function check_release { # Arguments: # $1 - Path to the release files # $2 - Version to expect # $3 - boolean whether to expect the signature file # # Returns: # 0 - success # * - failure check_release_one "$1" "$2" "$3" return ${ret} } function build_consul_release { build_consul "$1" "" "$2" } function build_release { # Arguments: (yeah there are lots) # $1 - Path to the top level Consul source # $2 - boolean whether to tag the release yet # $3 - boolean whether to build the binaries # $4 - boolean whether to generate the sha256 sums # $5 - version to set within version.go and the changelog # $6 - release date to set within the changelog # $7 - alternative gpg key to use for signing operations (optional) # # Returns: # 0 - success # * - error debug "Source Dir: $1" debug "Tag Release: $2" debug "Build Release: $3" debug "Sign Release: $4" debug "Version: $5" debug "Release Date: $6" debug "GPG Key: $7" if ! test -d "$1" then err "ERROR: '$1' is not a directory. build_release must be called with the path to the top level source as the first argument'" return 1 fi if test -z "$2" -o -z "$3" -o -z "$4" then err "ERROR: build_release requires 4 arguments to be specified: " return 1 fi local sdir="$1" local do_tag="$2" local do_build="$3" local do_sha256="$4" local gpg_key="$7" if test -z "${gpg_key}" then gpg_key=${HASHICORP_GPG_KEY} fi if ! is_set "${RELEASE_UNSIGNED}" then if ! have_gpg_key "${gpg_key}" then err "ERROR: Aborting build because no useable GPG key is present. Set RELEASE_UNSIGNED=1 to bypass this check" return 1 fi fi if ! is_git_clean "${sdir}" true && ! is_set "${ALLOW_DIRTY_GIT}" then err "ERROR: Refusing to build because Git is dirty. Set ALLOW_DIRTY_GIT=1 in the environment to proceed anyways" return 1 fi local set_vers="$5" local set_date="$6" if test -z "${set_vers}" then set_vers=$(get_version "${sdir}" false false) fi if is_set "${do_tag}" && ! set_release_mode "${sdir}" "${set_vers}" "${set_date}" then err "ERROR: Failed to put source into release mode" return 1 fi local vers="$(get_version ${sdir} true false)" if test $? -ne 0 then err "Please specify a version (couldn't find one based on build tags)." return 1 fi # Make sure we arent in dev mode unset CONSUL_DEV if is_set "${do_build}" then status_stage "==> Refreshing Docker Build Images" refresh_docker_images "${sdir}" if test $? -ne 0 then err "ERROR: Failed to refresh docker images" return 1 fi status_stage "==> Building Legacy UI for version ${vers}" build_ui_legacy "${sdir}" "${UI_LEGACY_BUILD_TAG}" if test $? -ne 0 then err "ERROR: Failed to build the legacy ui" return 1 fi status_stage "==> Building UI for version ${vers}" build_ui "${sdir}" "${UI_BUILD_TAG}" if test $? -ne 0 then err "ERROR: Failed to build the ui" return 1 fi status_stage "==> Building Static Assets for version ${vers}" build_assetfs "${sdir}" "${GO_BUILD_TAG}" if test $? -ne 0 then err "ERROR: Failed to build the static assets" return 1 fi if is_set "${do_tag}" then git add "${sdir}/agent/bindata_assetfs.go" if test $? -ne 0 then err "ERROR: Failed to git add the assetfs file" return 1 fi fi fi if is_set "${do_tag}" then status_stage "==> Tagging version ${vers}" tag_release "${sdir}" "${vers}" "${gpg_key}" if test $? -ne 0 then err "ERROR: Failed to tag the release" return 1 fi update_git_env "${sdir}" fi if is_set "${do_build}" then status_stage "==> Building Consul for version ${vers}" build_consul_release "${sdir}" "${GO_BUILD_TAG}" if test $? -ne 0 then err "ERROR: Failed to build the Consul binaries" return 1 fi status_stage "==> Packaging up release binaries" package_release "${sdir}" "${vers}" if test $? -ne 0 then err "ERROR: Failed to package the release binaries" return 1 fi fi status_stage "==> Generating SHA 256 Hashes for Binaries" shasum_release "${sdir}/pkg/dist" "${vers}" if test $? -ne 0 then err "ERROR: Failed to generate SHA 256 hashes for the release" return 1 fi if is_set "${do_sha256}" then sign_release "${sdir}/pkg/dist" "${vers}" "${gpg_key}" if test $? -ne 0 then err "ERROR: Failed to sign the SHA 256 hashes file" return 1 fi fi check_release "${sdir}/pkg/dist" "${vers}" "${do_sha256}" return $? }