{{#if (gt items.length 0)}} {{#let (get proxies item.Name) as |proxy|}} {{#let (service/health-checks item proxy) as |health|}}
{{#if (eq 'critical' health)}} At least one health check on one instance is failing. {{else if (eq 'warning' health)}} At least one health check on one instance has a warning. {{else if (eq 'passing' health)}} All health checks are passing. {{else}} There are no health checks. {{/if}}
{{/let}} {{/let}} {{#if (gt item.InstanceCount 0)}} {{#if (eq item.Kind 'terminating-gateway')}} {{item.Name}} {{else if (eq item.Kind 'ingress-gateway')}} {{item.Name}} {{else}} {{item.Name}} {{/if}} {{else}}


{{#if (and nspace (env 'CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED'))}} {{#if (not-eq item.Namespace nspace)}}
{{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if (not-eq item.InstanceCount 0)}} {{format-number item.InstanceCount}} {{pluralize item.InstanceCount 'Instance' without-count=true}} {{/if}} {{#if (get proxies item.Name)}}
This service uses a proxy for the Consul service mesh
connected with proxy