import Component from '@ember/component'; import { get, set } from '@ember/object'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; export default Component.extend({ tagName: '', encoder: service('btoa'), json: true, ondelete: function() { this.onsubmit(...arguments); }, oncancel: function() { this.onsubmit(...arguments); }, onsubmit: function() {}, actions: { change: function(e, form) { const item = form.getData(); try { form.handleEvent(e); } catch (err) { const target =; let parent; switch ( { case 'value': set(item, 'Value', this.encoder.execute(target.value)); break; case 'additional': parent = get(this, 'parent.Key'); set(item, 'Key', `${parent !== '/' ? parent : ''}${target.value}`); break; case 'json': // TODO: Potentially save whether json has been clicked to the model, // setting set(this, 'json', true) here will force the form to always default to code=on // even if the user has selected code=off on another KV // ideally we would save the value per KV, but I'd like to not do that on the model // a set(this, 'json', valueFromSomeStorageJustForThisKV) would be added here set(this, 'json', !this.json); break; default: throw err; } } }, }, });