@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / services / instances / show: Show Service Instance Background: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc1" And 3 instance models from yaml --- - Service: ID: service-0-with-id Meta: external-source: consul Node: Node: node-0 - Service: ID: service-1-with-id Tags: ['Tag1', 'Tag2'] Meta: consul-dashboard-url: http://url.com external-source: nomad test-meta: test-meta-value Node: Node: another-node Checks: - Name: Service check ServiceID: service-0 Output: Output of check Status: passing - Name: Service check ServiceID: service-0 Output: Output of check Status: warning - Name: Service check Type: http ServiceID: service-0 Output: Output of check Status: critical - Name: Node check ServiceID: "" Output: Output of check Status: passing - Name: Node check ServiceID: "" Output: Output of check Status: warning - Name: Node check ServiceID: "" Output: Output of check Status: critical - Service: ID: service-2-with-id Meta: external-source: kubernetes synthetic-node: true Node: Node: node-2 Meta: synthetic-node: true --- Scenario: A Service instance has no Proxy Given 1 proxy model from yaml --- - ServiceProxy: DestinationServiceName: service-1 DestinationServiceID: ~ --- When I visit the instance page for yaml --- dc: dc1 service: service-0 node: another-node id: service-1-with-id --- Then the url should be /dc1/services/service-0/instances/another-node/service-1-with-id/health-checks Then I see externalSource like "nomad" And I see the text "another-node" in "[data-test-service-instance-node-name]" And I don't see upstreams on the tabs And I see healthChecksIsSelected on the tabs And I see 6 of the checks object When I click tags&Meta on the tabs And I see tags&MetaIsSelected on the tabs Then I see the text "Tag1" in "[data-test-tags] span:nth-child(1)" Then I see the text "Tag2" in "[data-test-tags] span:nth-child(2)" And I see 3 of the metadata object And the title should be "service-1-with-id - Consul" Scenario: A Service instance warns when deregistered whilst blocking Given 1 proxy model from yaml --- - ServiceProxy: DestinationServiceName: service-1 DestinationServiceID: ~ --- Given settings from yaml --- consul:client: blocking: 1 throttle: 200 --- And a network latency of 100 When I visit the instance page for yaml --- dc: dc1 service: service-0 node: node-0 id: service-0-with-id --- Then the url should be /dc1/services/service-0/instances/node-0/service-0-with-id/health-checks And an external edit results in 0 instance models And pause until I see the text "deregistered" in "[data-notification]" Scenario: A Service instance without a Proxy does not display Proxy Info tab Given 1 proxy model from yaml --- - ServiceProxy: DestinationServiceName: service-1 DestinationServiceID: ~ --- When I visit the instance page for yaml --- dc: dc1 service: service-0 node: node-0 id: service-0-with-id --- Then the url should be /dc1/services/service-0/instances/node-0/service-0-with-id/health-checks And I don't see proxy on the tabs Scenario: A Service instance with a synthetic node does not display the node name When I visit the instance page for yaml --- dc: dc1 service: service-2 node: node-2 id: service-2-with-id --- Then the url should be /dc1/services/service-2/instances/node-2/service-2-with-id/health-checks Then I see externalSource like "kubernetes" And I don't see the text "node-2" in "[data-test-service-instance-node-name]"