import { moduleFor, test } from 'ember-qunit'; import repo from 'consul-ui/tests/helpers/repo'; moduleFor('service:repository/gateway', 'Integration | Repository | gateway', { // Specify the other units that are required for this test. integration: true, }); const dc = 'dc-1'; const id = 'slug'; const nspace = 'default'; test('findBySlug returns the correct data for item endpoint', function(assert) { return repo( 'Gateway', 'findBySlug', this.subject(), function retrieveStub(stub) { return stub(`/v1/internal/ui/gateway-services-nodes/${id}`); }, function performTest(service) { return service.findBySlug(id, dc); }, function performAssertion(actual, expected) { assert.deepEqual( actual, expected(function(payload) { return Object.assign( {}, { Datacenter: dc, Name: id, Namespace: nspace, uid: `["${nspace}","${dc}","${id}"]`, }, { Services: payload, } ); }) ); } ); });