require "rack" require "rack/contrib/not_found" require "rack/contrib/response_headers" require "rack/contrib/static_cache" require "rack/contrib/try_static" # Properly compress the output if the client can handle it. use Rack::Deflater # Set the "forever expire" cache headers for these static assets. Since # we hash the contents of the assets to determine filenames, this is safe # to do. use Rack::StaticCache, :root => "build", :urls => ["/assets"], :duration => 2, :versioning => false # Try to find a static file that matches our request, since Middleman # statically generates everything. use Rack::TryStatic, :root => "build", :urls => ["/"], :try => [".html", "index.html", "/index.html"] # 404 if we reached this point. Sad times. run"../build/404.html", __FILE__))