import Component from '@ember/component'; import { get, set, computed } from '@ember/object'; import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import Slotted from 'block-slots'; export default Component.extend(Slotted, { onchange: function() {}, tagName: '', error: function() {}, type: '', dom: service('dom'), formContainer: service('form'), item: alias(''), selectedOptions: alias('items'), init: function() { this._super(...arguments); this._listeners = this.dom.listeners(); this.form = this.formContainer.form(this.type); this.form.clear({ Datacenter: this.dc, Namespace: this.nspace }); }, willDestroyElement: function() { this._super(...arguments); this._listeners.remove(); }, options: computed('selectedOptions.[]', 'allOptions.[]', function() { // It's not massively important here that we are defaulting `items` and // losing reference as its just to figure out the diff let options = this.allOptions || []; const items = this.selectedOptions || []; if (get(items, 'length') > 0) { // filter out any items from the available options that have already been // selected/added // TODO: find a proper ember-data diff options = options.filter(item => !items.findBy('ID', get(item, 'ID'))); } return options; }), save: task(function*(item, items, success = function() {}) { const repo = this.repo; try { item = yield repo.persist(item); this.actions.change.apply(this, [ { target: { name: 'items[]', value: items, }, }, items, item, ]); success(); } catch (e) { this.error({ error: e }); } }), actions: { reset: function() { this.form.clear({ Datacenter: this.dc, Namespace: this.nspace }); }, remove: function(item, items) { const prop = this.repo.getSlugKey(); const value = get(item, prop); const pos = items.findIndex(function(item) { return get(item, prop) === value; }); if (pos !== -1) { return items.removeAt(pos, 1); } this.onchange({ target: this }); }, change: function(e, value, item) { const event = this.dom.normalizeEvent(...arguments); const items = value; switch ( { case 'items[]': set(item, 'CreateTime', new Date().getTime()); // this always happens synchronously items.pushObject(item); // TODO: Fire a proper event this.onchange({ target: this }); break; default: } }, }, });