@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / acls / policies / delete: Policy Delete Background: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter" Scenario: Deleting a policy model from the policies listing page Given 1 policy model from yaml --- ID: 1981f51d-301a-497b-89a0-05112ef02b4b --- When I visit the policies page for yaml --- dc: datacenter --- And I click actions on the policies And I click delete on the policies And I click confirmDelete on the policies Then a DELETE request was made to "/v1/acl/policy/1981f51d-301a-497b-89a0-05112ef02b4b?dc=datacenter&ns=@!namespace" And "[data-notification]" has the "notification-delete" class And "[data-notification]" has the "success" class Scenario: Deleting a policy model from the policies listing page errors Given the url "/v1/acl/policy/1981f51d-301a-497b-89a0-05112ef02b4b?dc=datacenter&ns=@namespace" responds with a 500 status And 1 policy model from yaml --- ID: 1981f51d-301a-497b-89a0-05112ef02b4b --- When I visit the policies page for yaml --- dc: datacenter --- And I click actions on the policies And I click delete on the policies And I click confirmDelete on the policies And "[data-notification]" has the "notification-delete" class And "[data-notification]" has the "error" class Scenario: Deleting a policy from the policy detail page When I visit the policy page for yaml --- dc: datacenter policy: 1981f51d-301a-497b-89a0-05112ef02b4b --- And I click delete And I click confirmDelete on the deleteModal Then a DELETE request was made to "/v1/acl/policy/1981f51d-301a-497b-89a0-05112ef02b4b?dc=datacenter&ns=@!namespace" And "[data-notification]" has the "notification-delete" class And "[data-notification]" has the "success" class # FIXME # Scenario: Deleting a policy from the policy detail page errors # Given the url "/v1/acl/policy/1981f51d-301a-497b-89a0-05112ef02b4b?dc=datacenter&ns=@namespace" responds with a 500 status # When I visit the policy page for yaml # --- # dc: datacenter # policy: 1981f51d-301a-497b-89a0-05112ef02b4b # --- # And I click delete # And I click confirmDelete on the deleteModal # And "[data-notification]" has the "notification-delete" class # And "[data-notification]" has the "error" class