package external import ( "context" "net" "sort" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" grpcmiddleware "" "" "" "" ) func TestServer_EmitsStats(t *testing.T) { sink, metricsObj := testutil.NewFakeSink(t) srv := NewServer(hclog.Default(), metricsObj, nil, rate.NullRequestLimitsHandler()) testservice.RegisterSimpleServer(srv, &testservice.Simple{}) lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", "") require.NoError(t, err) lis = grpcmiddleware.LabelledListener{Listener: lis, Protocol: grpcmiddleware.ProtocolPlaintext} ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) t.Cleanup(cancel) g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx) g.Go(func() error { return srv.Serve(lis) }) t.Cleanup(func() { srv.Stop() if err := g.Wait(); err != nil { t.Logf("grpc server error: %v", err) } }) //nolint:staticcheck conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, lis.Addr().String(), grpc.WithInsecure()) require.NoError(t, err) t.Cleanup(func() { conn.Close() }) client := testservice.NewSimpleClient(conn) fClient, err := client.Flow(ctx, &testservice.Req{Datacenter: "mine"}) require.NoError(t, err) // Wait for the first event so that we know the stream is sending. _, err = fClient.Recv() require.NoError(t, err) cancel() conn.Close() srv.GracefulStop() // Wait for the server to stop so that active_streams is predictable. require.NoError(t, g.Wait()) // Occasionally the active_stream=0 metric may be emitted before the // active_conns=0 metric. The order of those metrics is not really important // so we sort the calls to match the expected. sort.Slice(sink.GaugeCalls, func(i, j int) bool { if i < 2 || j < 2 { return i < j } if len(sink.GaugeCalls[i].Key) < 4 || len(sink.GaugeCalls[j].Key) < 4 { return i < j } return sink.GaugeCalls[i].Key[3] < sink.GaugeCalls[j].Key[3] }) cmpMetricCalls := cmp.AllowUnexported(testutil.MetricCall{}) expLabels := []metrics.Label{{ Name: "server_type", Value: "external", }} expectedGauge := []testutil.MetricCall{ {Key: []string{"testing", "grpc", "server", "connections"}, Val: 1, Labels: expLabels}, {Key: []string{"testing", "grpc", "server", "streams"}, Val: 1, Labels: expLabels}, {Key: []string{"testing", "grpc", "server", "connections"}, Val: 0, Labels: expLabels}, {Key: []string{"testing", "grpc", "server", "streams"}, Val: 0, Labels: expLabels}, } prototest.AssertDeepEqual(t, expectedGauge, sink.GaugeCalls, cmpMetricCalls) expectedCounter := []testutil.MetricCall{ {Key: []string{"testing", "grpc", "server", "connection", "count"}, Val: 1, Labels: expLabels}, {Key: []string{"testing", "grpc", "server", "request", "count"}, Val: 1, Labels: expLabels}, {Key: []string{"testing", "grpc", "server", "stream", "count"}, Val: 1, Labels: expLabels}, } prototest.AssertDeepEqual(t, expectedCounter, sink.IncrCounterCalls, cmpMetricCalls) } func logError(t *testing.T, f func() error) func() { return func() { if err := f(); err != nil { t.Logf(err.Error()) } } }