@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / kvs / edit: KV Viewing Scenario: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter" And 1 kv model from yaml --- Key: key Session: session-id --- When I visit the kv page for yaml --- dc: datacenter kv: key --- Then the url should be /datacenter/kv/key/edit And I see ID on the session like "session-id" Given 1 kv model from yaml --- Key: another-key Session: ~ --- When I visit the kv page for yaml --- dc: datacenter kv: another-key --- Then I don't see ID on the session # Make sure we can view KVs that have similar names to sections in the UI Scenario: I have KV called [Page] Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter" And 1 kv model from yaml --- Key: [Page] --- When I visit the kv page for yaml --- dc: datacenter kv: [Page] --- Then the url should be /datacenter/kv/[Page]/edit Where: -------------- | Page | | services | | nodes | | intentions | | kvs | --------------