{{#if (gt @topology.Downstreams.length 0)}}


Only showing downstreams within the current datacenter for {{@service.Service.Service}}.
{{#each @topology.Downstreams as |item|}} {{#if (and @hasMetricsProvider this.mainNotIngressService (not-eq item.Kind 'ingress-gateway'))}} {{!-- One of the only places in the app where it's acceptable to default to 'default' namespace --}} {{/if}} {{/each}}
{{#if @hasMetricsProvider}} {{#if this.mainNotIngressService}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
{{#if (gt this.upstreams.length 0)}}
{{#each-in (group-by "Datacenter" this.upstreams) as |dc upstreams|}}
{{#if dc}}


{{/if}} {{#each upstreams as |item|}} {{#if (and @hasMetricsProvider this.mainNotIngressService (not-eq item.Kind 'ingress-gateway'))}} {{!-- One of the only places in the app where it's acceptable to default to 'default' namespace --}} {{/if}} {{/each}}