import ReactHead from '@hashicorp/react-head' import Button from '@hashicorp/react-button' import ConsulOnKubernetesHero from 'components/consul-on-kubernetes-hero' import FeaturesList from 'components/features-list' import BlockList from 'components/block-list' import SideBySide from 'components/side-by-side' import CardList from 'components/card-list' import DocsList from 'components/docs-list' import s from './style.module.css' export default function ConsulOnKubernetesPage() { const pageDescription = 'Consul is a robust service mesh for discovering and securely connecting applications on Kubernetes.' const pageTitle = 'Consul on Kubernetes' return (


Kubernetes and service mesh tend to go hand and hand. Organizations that adopt Kubernetes are looking for a way to automate, secure, and observe the connections between pods and clusters. Consul and Kubernetes provide a scalable and highly resilient platform for microservices. Consul supports any Kubernetes runtime including hosted solutions like EKS, AKS, GKE, and OpenShift.

Need help managing Consul on AWS? HCP Consul supports Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Get started today.

You can connect almost any application to any runtime. Consul supports virtual machines and containers across just about any platform.

), }, { heading: 'Features', content: (
  • Run thousands of nodes with low latency
  • Support any Kubernetes distribution
  • Work across Kubernetes & non-Kubernetes Environments
), }, ], cta: { text: 'Start tutorial', url: '', }, image: require('./images/features/multi-platform.svg'), }, { title: 'Kube-native workflow', subtitle: 'Use Consul’s Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to interact with Kubernetes', infoSections: [ { heading: 'Why it matters', content: (

Reduce Application deployment times using a workflows not technologies approach and Kube native tools instead of manual scripts

), }, { heading: 'Features', content: (
  • Layer 7 Traffic
  • Ingress/Egress through Gateways
  • Custom Resource Definitions
), }, ], cta: { text: 'Start tutorial', url: '', }, image: require('./images/features/workflow.svg'), }, { title: 'Observable', subtitle: 'Use built in UI and enable Kubernetes metrics via helm configuration', infoSections: [ { heading: 'Why it matters', content: (

Provide enhanced observability using Kubernetes tools or use third party solutions to monitor Kubernetes performance

), }, { heading: 'Features', content: (
  • Built in UI metrics
  • APM integrations (Prometheus, Datadog, etc.)
), }, ], cta: { text: 'Start tutorial', url: '', }, image: require('./images/features/observable.svg'), }, { title: 'Secure', subtitle: 'Offload security concerns from applications based on application security policies. With HCP, security is enabled by default.', infoSections: [ { heading: 'Why it matters', content: (

You can connect almost any application to any runtime. Consul supports virtual machines and containers across just about any platform.

), }, { heading: 'Features', content: (
  • Encryption & Authorization (mTLS) using certificates for service identity
  • Access Controls (ACLs) & Namespaces
  • Automated Certificate Management & Rotation
), }, ], cta: { text: 'Start tutorial', url: '', }, image: require('./images/features/secure.svg'), }, ]} />

Ways to get started

) }