# class-map `{{class-map}}` is used to easily add a list of classes, conditionally, and have them all formatted nicely ready to be printed in a DOM `class` attribute. For ease, as well as using entries, you can also just provide a simple string without the boolean and that class will always be added. ```hbs preview-template
The correct classes added/omitted
class="{{class-map (array 'add-this-class' true) (array 'dont-add-this-class' false) 'simple-string-class' }}"
``` ## Positional Arguments | Argument | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `entries` | `(classInfo \| string)[]` | | An array of 'entry-like' arrays of `classInfo`s to map | ## Types | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | `classInfo` | `([string, boolean] \| [string])` | |