import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { get } from '@ember/object'; import { Ability } from 'ember-can'; export const ACCESS_READ = 'read'; export const ACCESS_WRITE = 'write'; export const ACCESS_LIST = 'list'; // None of the permission inspection here is namespace aware, this is due to // the fact that we only have one set of permission from one namespace at one // time, therefore all the permissions are relevant to the namespace you are // currently in, when you choose a different namespace we refresh the // permissions list. This is also fine for permission inspection for single // items/models as we only request the permissions for the namespace you are // in, we don't need to recheck that namespace here export default class BaseAbility extends Ability { @service('repository/permission') permissions; // the name of the resource used for this ability in the backend, e.g // service, key, operator, node resource = ''; // whether you can ask the backend for a segment for this resource, e.g. you // can ask for a specific service or KV, but not a specific nspace or token segmented = true; generate(action) { return this.permissions.generate(this.resource, action); } generateForSegment(segment) { // if this ability isn't segmentable just return empty which means we // won't request the permissions/resources form the backend if (!this.segmented) { return []; } return [ this.permissions.generate(this.resource, ACCESS_READ, segment), this.permissions.generate(this.resource, ACCESS_WRITE, segment), ]; } // characteristics // TODO: Remove once we have managed to do the scroll pane refactor get isLinkable() { return true; } get isNew() { return this.item.isNew; } get isPristine() { return this.item.isPristine; } // get canRead() { if (typeof this.item !== 'undefined') { const perm = (get(this, 'item.Resources') || []).find(item => item.Access === ACCESS_READ); if (perm) { return perm.Allow; } } return this.permissions.has(this.generate(ACCESS_READ)); } get canList() { if (typeof this.item !== 'undefined') { const perm = (get(this, 'item.Resources') || []).find(item => item.Access === ACCESS_LIST); if (perm) { return perm.Allow; } } return this.permissions.has(this.generate(ACCESS_LIST)); } get canWrite() { if (typeof this.item !== 'undefined') { const perm = (get(this, 'item.Resources') || []).find(item => item.Access === ACCESS_WRITE); if (perm) { return perm.Allow; } } return this.permissions.has(this.generate(ACCESS_WRITE)); } get canCreate() { return this.canWrite; } get canDelete() { return this.canWrite; } get canUpdate() { return this.canWrite; } }