import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import makeAttrable from 'consul-ui/utils/makeAttrable'; module('Integration | Adapter | acl | url', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); const dc = 'dc-1'; const id = 'token-name'; test('urlForQuery returns the correct url', function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:acl'); const expected = `/v1/acl/list?dc=${dc}`; const actual = adapter.urlForQuery({ dc: dc, }); assert.equal(actual, expected); }); test('urlForQueryRecord returns the correct url', function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:acl'); const expected = `/v1/acl/info/${id}?dc=${dc}`; const actual = adapter.urlForQueryRecord({ dc: dc, id: id, }); assert.equal(actual, expected); }); test("urlForQueryRecord throws if you don't specify an id", function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:acl'); assert.throws(function() { adapter.urlForQueryRecord({ dc: dc, }); }); }); test('urlForCreateRecord returns the correct url', function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:acl'); const expected = `/v1/acl/create?dc=${dc}`; const actual = adapter.urlForCreateRecord( 'acl', makeAttrable({ Datacenter: dc, ID: id, }) ); assert.equal(actual, expected); }); test('urlForUpdateRecord returns the correct url', function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:acl'); const expected = `/v1/acl/update?dc=${dc}`; const actual = adapter.urlForUpdateRecord( id, 'acl', makeAttrable({ Datacenter: dc, ID: id, }) ); assert.equal(actual, expected); }); test('urlForDeleteRecord returns the correct url', function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:acl'); const expected = `/v1/acl/destroy/${id}?dc=${dc}`; const actual = adapter.urlForDeleteRecord( id, 'acl', makeAttrable({ Datacenter: dc, ID: id, }) ); assert.equal(actual, expected); }); test('urlForCloneRecord returns the correct url', function(assert) { const adapter = this.owner.lookup('adapter:acl'); const expected = `/v1/acl/clone/${id}?dc=${dc}`; const actual = adapter.urlForCloneRecord( 'acl', makeAttrable({ Datacenter: dc, ID: id, }) ); assert.equal(actual, expected); }); });