{{#if (eq loader.error.status "404")}} {{else if (eq loader.error.status "403")}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{#let loader.data as |item|}} {{#if item.IsOrigin}} {{! We only really need meta to get the correct ServiceID }} {{! but we may as well use the NodeName and ServiceName }} {{! from meta also, but they should be the same as the instance }} {{! so if we can ever get ServiceID from elsewhere we could save }} {{! a HTTP request/long poll here }} {{#if meta.data.ServiceID}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
  1. All Services
  2. Service ({{item.Service.Service}})

{{#if (eq proxy.ServiceProxy.Mode 'transparent')}} {{/if}}
Service Name
Node Name
{{#let (or item.Service.Address item.Node.Address) as |address|}} {{address}} {{/let}} {{outlet}}