@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / nodes / services / list: Node > Services Listing Scenario: Given 1 node Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc1" And 1 node model from yaml --- ID: node-0 Services: - ID: 'service-0-with-id' Port: 65535 Service: 'service-0' Tags: ['monitor', 'two', 'three'] Meta: external-source: consul - ID: 'service-1' Port: 0 Service: 'service-1' Tags: ['hard drive', 'monitor', 'three'] Meta: external-source: nomad - ID: 'service-2' Port: 1 Service: 'service-2' Tags: ['one', 'two', 'three'] Meta: external-source: terraform - ID: 'service-3' Port: 2 Service: 'service-3' Tags: [] Meta: external-source: kubernetes - ID: 'service-4' Port: 3 Service: 'service-4' Tags: [] Meta: ~ --- When I visit the node page for yaml --- dc: dc1 node: node-0 --- When I click services on the tabs And I see servicesIsSelected on the tabs And I see externalSource on the services like yaml --- - consul - nomad - terraform - kubernetes - ~ ---