@setupApplicationTest @onlyNamespaceable Feature: dc / nspaces / index: Nspaces List Background: Given settings from yaml --- consul:token: SecretID: secret AccessorID: accessor Namespace: default --- And 1 datacenter model with the value "dc-1" And 3 nspace models When I visit the nspaces page for yaml --- dc: dc-1 --- Then the url should be /dc-1/namespaces And the title should be "Namespaces - Consul" Scenario: Then I see 3 nspace models Scenario: Searching the nspaces Then I see 3 nspace models Then I fill in with yaml --- s: default --- And I see 1 nspace model And I see 1 nspace model with the description "The default namespace" Scenario: The default namespace can't be deleted Then I see 3 nspace models And I click actions on the nspaces Then I don't see delete on the nspaces