import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { computed, get } from '@ember/object'; import Component from 'ember-collection/components/ember-collection'; import PercentageColumns from 'ember-collection/layouts/percentage-columns'; import style from 'ember-computed-style'; import WithResizing from 'consul-ui/mixins/with-resizing'; export default Component.extend(WithResizing, { dom: service('dom'), tagName: 'div', attributeBindings: ['style'], height: 500, cellHeight: 73, style: style('getStyle'), classNames: ['list-collection'], init: function() { this._super(...arguments); this.columns = [100]; }, didReceiveAttrs: function() { this._super(...arguments); this._cellLayout = this['cell-layout'] = new PercentageColumns( get(this, 'items.length'), get(this, 'columns'), get(this, 'cellHeight') ); }, getStyle: computed('height', function() { return { height: get(this, 'height'), }; }), resize: function(e) { // TODO: This top part is very similar to resize in tabular-collection // see if it make sense to DRY out const dom = get(this, 'dom'); const $appContent = dom.element('main > div'); if ($appContent) { const border = 1; const rect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect(); const $footer = dom.element('footer[role="contentinfo"]'); const space = + $footer.clientHeight + border; const height = e.detail.height - space; this.set('height', Math.max(0, height)); this.updateItems(); this.updateScrollPosition(); } }, actions: { click: function(e) { return this.dom.clickFirstAnchor(e, '.list-collection > ul > li'); }, }, });