{{#let (hash value=(or sortBy "State:asc") change=(action (mut sortBy) value="target.selected") ) (hash state=(hash value=(if state (split state ',') undefined) change=(action (mut state) value="target.selectedItems") ) searchproperty=(hash value=(if (not-eq searchproperty undefined) (split searchproperty ',') searchProperties ) change=(action (mut searchproperty) value="target.selectedItems") default=searchProperties ) ) loader.data as |sort filters items|}}

{{#if (gt items.length 0)}} {{/if}} {{did-insert (set this 'create' modal)}}

Add peer connection

{{#if modal.opened}} {{did-insert (set this 'form' form)}} {{/if}}
Add peer connection
{{did-insert (set this 'regenerate' modal)}}

Regenerate token

{{#if this.item}} {{did-insert (set this 'regenerateForm' form)}} {{/if}}
{{!-- TODO: do we need to check permissions here or will we receive an error automatically? --}}

{{#if (gt items.length 0)}} No peers found {{else}} Welcome to Peers {{/if}}

{{#if (gt items.length 0)}}

No peers where found matching that search, or you may not have access to view the peers you are searching for.


Cluster peering is the recommended way to connect services across or within Consul datacenters. Peering is a one-to-one relationship in which each peer is either a open-source Consul datacenter or a Consul enterprise admin partition. There don't seem to be any peers for this {{if (can "use partitions") "admin partition" "datacenter"}}, or you may not have the peering:read permissions to access this view.
