@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / intentions / permissions / warn: Intention Permission Warn Scenario: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter" And 1 intention model from yaml --- SourceNS: default SourceName: web DestinationNS: default DestinationName: db Action: ~ Permissions: - Action: allow HTTP: PathExact: /path --- When I visit the intention page for yaml --- dc: datacenter intention: intention-id --- Then the url should be /datacenter/intentions/intention-id And I click ".value-deny" And I submit And I see the warning object And I click the warning.cancel object And I don't see the warning object And I submit And I see the warning object And I click the warning.confirm object Then a PUT request was made to "/v1/connect/intentions/exact?source=default%2Fweb&destination=default%2Fdb&dc=datacenter" from yaml