import getEnvironment from 'consul-ui/utils/get-environment'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; const getEntriesByType = function(type) { return [ { initiatorType: 'script', name: '', nextHopProtocol: 'spdy', }, ]; }; const makeGetElementsBy = function(str) { return function(name) { return [ { src: str, content: str, }, ]; }; }; const win = { performance: { getEntriesByType: getEntriesByType, }, location: { hash: '', }, localStorage: { getItem: function(key) {}, }, }; const doc = { cookie: '', getElementsByTagName: makeGetElementsBy(''), getElementsByName: makeGetElementsBy('{}'), }; module('Unit | Utility | getEnvironment', function() { test('it returns a function', function(assert) { const config = {}; const env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.ok(typeof env === 'function'); }); test('it returns the correct operator value', function(assert) { const config = {}; const env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.equal(env('CONSUL_HTTP_PROTOCOL'), 'spdy'); }); test('it returns the correct operator value when set via config', function(assert) { const config = { CONSUL_HTTP_PROTOCOL: 'hq', }; const env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.equal(env('CONSUL_HTTP_PROTOCOL'), 'hq'); }); test('it returns the correct URL for the root of the UI', function(assert) { let config = { environment: 'production', }; let expected = 'http://localhost/ui'; let doc = { cookie: '', getElementsByTagName: makeGetElementsBy(`${expected}/assets/consul-ui.js`), getElementsByName: makeGetElementsBy('{}'), }; let env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.equal(env('CONSUL_BASE_UI_URL'), expected); expected = 'http://localhost/somewhere/else'; doc = { cookie: '', getElementsByTagName: makeGetElementsBy(`${expected}/assets/consul-ui.js`), getElementsByName: makeGetElementsBy('{}'), }; env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.equal(env('CONSUL_BASE_UI_URL'), expected); }); test('it returns the correct max connections depending on protocol', function(assert) { let config = { CONSUL_HTTP_PROTOCOL: 'hq', }; let env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.equal(env('CONSUL_HTTP_MAX_CONNECTIONS'), undefined); config = { CONSUL_HTTP_PROTOCOL: 'http/1.1', }; env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.equal(env('CONSUL_HTTP_MAX_CONNECTIONS'), 5); }); test('it returns the correct max connections if performance.getEntriesByType is not available', function(assert) { const config = {}; let win = {}; let env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.equal(env('CONSUL_HTTP_MAX_CONNECTIONS'), 5); win = { performance: {}, }; env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.equal(env('CONSUL_HTTP_MAX_CONNECTIONS'), 5); }); test('it returns the correct user value', function(assert) { const config = {}; let win = { localStorage: { getItem: function(key) { return '1'; }, }, }; let env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.ok(env('CONSUL_UI_DISABLE_REALTIME')); win = { localStorage: { getItem: function(key) { return '0'; }, }, }; env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.notOk(env('CONSUL_UI_DISABLE_REALTIME')); win = { localStorage: { getItem: function(key) { return null; }, }, }; env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.notOk(env('CONSUL_UI_DISABLE_REALTIME')); }); test('it returns the correct user value when set via config', function(assert) { const config = { CONSUL_UI_DISABLE_REALTIME: true, }; const env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.ok(env('CONSUL_UI_DISABLE_REALTIME')); }); test('it returns the correct dev value (via cookies)', function(assert) { let config = { environment: 'test', CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED: false, }; let doc = { cookie: 'CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLE=1', getElementsByTagName: makeGetElementsBy(''), getElementsByName: makeGetElementsBy('{}'), }; let env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.ok(env('CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED')); config = { environment: 'test', CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED: true, }; doc = { cookie: 'CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLE=0', getElementsByTagName: makeGetElementsBy(''), getElementsByName: makeGetElementsBy('{}'), }; env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.notOk(env('CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED')); }); test('it returns the correct dev value when set via config', function(assert) { let config = { CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED: true, }; let env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.ok(env('CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED')); config = { CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED: false, }; env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.notOk(env('CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED')); }); test("it returns the correct dev value (ignoring cookies when the environment doesn't allow it)", function(assert) { let config = { environment: 'production', CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED: false, }; let doc = { cookie: 'CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLE=1', getElementsByTagName: makeGetElementsBy(''), getElementsByName: makeGetElementsBy('{}'), }; let env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.notOk(env('CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED')); config = { environment: 'production', CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED: true, }; doc = { cookie: 'CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLE=0', getElementsByTagName: makeGetElementsBy(''), getElementsByName: makeGetElementsBy('{}'), }; env = getEnvironment(config, win, doc); assert.ok(env('CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED')); }); });