// +build !consulent package config import ( "testing" "github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/testutil" ) func TestSegments(t *testing.T) { dataDir := testutil.TempDir(t, "consul") tests := []configTest{ { desc: "segment name not in OSS", args: []string{ `-data-dir=` + dataDir, }, json: []string{`{ "server": true, "segment": "a" }`}, hcl: []string{` server = true segment = "a" `}, err: `Network segments are not supported in this version of Consul`, warns: []string{ enterpriseConfigKeyError{key: "segment"}.Error(), }, }, { desc: "segment port must be set", args: []string{ `-data-dir=` + dataDir, }, json: []string{`{ "segments":[{ "name":"x" }] }`}, hcl: []string{`segments = [{ name = "x" }]`}, err: `Port for segment "x" cannot be <= 0`, warns: []string{ enterpriseConfigKeyError{key: "segments"}.Error(), }, }, { desc: "segments not in OSS", args: []string{ `-data-dir=` + dataDir, }, json: []string{`{ "segments":[{ "name":"x", "port": 123 }] }`}, hcl: []string{`segments = [{ name = "x" port = 123 }]`}, err: `Network segments are not supported in this version of Consul`, warns: []string{ enterpriseConfigKeyError{key: "segments"}.Error(), }, }, } testConfig(t, tests, dataDir) }