import Service, { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; export default Service.extend({ dom: service('dom'), env: service('env'), data: service('data-source/service'), sources: service('repository/type/event-source'), init: function() { this._super(...arguments); this._listeners = this.dom.listeners(); this.connections = new Set(); this.addVisibilityChange(); }, willDestroy: function() { this._listeners.remove(); this.purge(); this._super(...arguments); }, addVisibilityChange: function() { // when the user hides the tab, abort all connections this._listeners.add(this.dom.document(), { visibilitychange: e => { if ( { this.purge(-1); } }, }); }, whenAvailable: function(e) { // if the user has hidden the tab (hidden browser/tab switch) // any aborted errors should restart const doc = this.dom.document(); if (doc.hidden) { return new Promise(resolve => { const remove = this._listeners.add(doc, { visibilitychange: function(event) { remove(); // we resolve with the event that comes from // whenAvailable not visibilitychange resolve(e); }, }); }); } return Promise.resolve(e); }, purge: function(statusCode = 0) { [...this.connections].forEach(function(connection) { // Cancelled connection.abort(statusCode); }); this.connections = new Set(); }, acquire: function(request) { if (this.connections.size >= this.env.var('CONSUL_HTTP_MAX_CONNECTIONS')) { const closed =; let connection = [...this.connections].find(item => { const id = item.headers()['x-request-id']; if (id) { return closed.includes(item.headers()['x-request-id']); } return false; }); if (typeof connection === 'undefined') { // all connections are being used on the page // if the new one is a blocking query then cancel the oldest connection if (request.headers()['content-type'] === 'text/event-stream') { connection = this.connections.values().next().value; } // otherwise wait for a connection to become available } // cancel the connection if (typeof connection !== 'undefined') { // if its a shared blocking query cancel everything // listening to it this.release(connection); // Too Many Requests connection.abort(429); } } this.connections.add(request); }, release: function(request) { this.connections.delete(request); }, });